I have always loved writing and it has always come easy to me. Whether or not I am any good at it is not for me to decide, but people in my life have complimented and encouraged my passion. And believe me when I say they would have no problem…
Month: May 2015
A Lost Love Returns
Prior to my vision loss, I was an avid reader. One hundred-books-a-year kind of a reader. I read on planes, in bed, on the beach and in the tub. It was nothing to read five or six books on a long weekend vacation. I have tried audiobooks. Not for me….
Which Came First – The Egg Or The Eggs-pletive?
As if separating the yolk and the white isn’t enough, stiffening the whites is a whole other game of Old McDonald Had A Farm. After beating and beating the whites and a slight bit of frothing but no peaks, I Googled for help. I feel it is my duty to…
My Blog Thinks It’s Norma Rae
This blog may be going on strike until I can figure out how to insert an image into a post using the iPad. I have had to figure out so many work-arounds to be able to use the iPad for blogging that I am actually standing on my head as…
No Need For A Compass When You Have Good Friends
Yesterday I spent a wonderful day with two of my oldest and dearest friends. We have known each other for 30 years and been through illness and loss and vacations and more than anything, laughs, together. The kind that make your whole body hurt. We spent the day shopping in…
Just Chew It
I have not been able to get the song ‘Uptown Funk’ out of my head for the last three days. I recently heard that researchers have found that chewing gum will rid you of the tune stuck on repeat. Don’t believe me just watch.Don’t believe me just watch.Don’t believe me…
Dangerous Curves Ahead
I just read in a magazine letter to the editor that life throws you curves and that it’s how we persevere that makes it all worth it. It really ticked me off. The perseverance makes what worth it? And what curve has been thrown at this letter-writer? My guess is…
Looking Good . . . Or Not
People keep telling me I don’t look 50. If they are being kind, I would like them to stop. I can’t really see what I look like. I haven’t for two years. Should I be so fortunate to fully regain my sight and get a good look at myself, it…