At The Ice Cream Shoppe in Highland Falls, New York, 1.2 miles from the United States Military Academy West Point, we waited for our turn to place our order. My husband called me over to some shelving near the window, then read me the sign that you see at the top of this story. Beneath that lay the tiniest toy soldiers we had ever even. What a creative and thoughtful idea! We took the picture above as well as a few of the iconic green army men in various poses. When we returned home, I printed several copies of the digital image, giving one along with a toy solider to my closest friends.
Thank you, The Ice Cream Shoppe, for reminding me that even a single scoop of Birthday Bash in a sugar cone would not be possible if not for our women and men in uniform.
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter #ushistory #theicecreamshoppehighlandfallsnewyork #ahugescoopofserviceandsacrifice