I have been tired and out of sorts the last two days. I tried to write a post yesterday, but the serious one I started just wasn’t coming together. Due to the mood I was/am in, funny wasn’t happening either.
Because I can’t let it alone, I have to try to figure out why I’m in this state of mind. Possible explanations are:
- Heat
- Humidity (if you have experienced humidity you know it’s not heat)
- 7 loads of laundry done yesterday
- 8 hours it took me to do the laundry
- Issue with the washer
- Issue with the dryer
- Feeling left out by friends
- Waiting on other people to get things done
- Needing rides to . . . well, everywhere
And always on every list:
- Vision loss
Vision loss isn’t thrown in there for sympathy or justification for my crankiness. The fact is, before my sight left the building, I could get in my car and drive, with the radio blaring, and feel better. I could be at work or traveling for work and not be stuck at home with all its issues everyday. I could drive myself for a much needed pedicure and not feel my toenails growing longer by the second, because, I can no longer trim my own nails. My pending file would be empty because all the items that are in that file I would have done myself when fully sighted. The wash? I’d probably still be doing that, but I could be away on business and when I was, my husband had no problem doing it. Now that I’m home all the time, guess who has become the hausfrau she never wanted to be.
Pity party? No. Just ALL of the facts. And right now, the facts have got me down. But as sure as the dirty wash always gets clean, and the SURF and TIDE come in and go out, I will BOUNCE back up again. It’s just going to take some EXTRA time to WISK my blues away.