Writing this blog, I am constantly on the hunt for material. Sometimes it’s an obvious idea but in other instances I find myself mining for a nugget hidden deep, waiting for discovery. I never stop searching and my husband and friends often recognize a viable gem when we are together and will point them out to me. I definitely appreciate the help; it’s exhausting to always be on the lookout for that undefinable something.
But after all these years, I wouldn’t know how to shut my inkling radar or the process of immediately vetting the strength and possibility of the unearthing. I guess that’s the thing about our passions; they are all-consuming, our blessing and our curse. But to be without the thing that gives us life once we have found it is impossible to imagine.
I have often thought I should wear a miner’s headlamp since my vision loss, since the flashlight on my iPhone, which I use often, requires holding with one hand. But in a way, I picture myself in one everyday, aiding in the detection of the raw stones I will attempt to polish and post. It makes my head hurt sometimes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I passionately hope you know exactly what I mean.