A new month of doing the job search yesterday and I kicked off April by doing my long search. Unfortunately, I found no positions to apply for. I’m not sure what’s going on; I had a good run in March with more jobs than I’ve seen in a long time. The problem is, once again, I’m not hearing from anyone on the jobs I’ve applied for and now there has been nothing new.
This has pretty much been the case the entire time I’ve been searching for a job. There have been spurts of calls and interviews but most of my resumes and applications seem to have fallen into the black hole of resumes, a place far scarier than the Bermuda Triangle. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of resumes never heard from again!
Today is Good Friday. A time of new beginnings and a miracle beyond all miracles. If that Easter miracle can happen, I can certainly get a job. It may not seem like a miracle to you, but it will to me.
Happy Easter!