The last evening of my trip to Germany, my suitcase sat on the floor of my hotel room and I sat on top of it. Having purchased quite a few Christmas gifts while in Hamburg, I was going home with more than I had left with and so all my tricks for getting the suitcase closed were being employed. I would roll clothing and after a few layers of items had been added, I would flip the lid over and sit atop, moving a bit to flatten.
My roomie and best friend watched and informed me she had never before seen this packing technique. I assured her it was something I routinely did on the eve of my return home and we got the giggles. “Sometimes you’ve got to moosh it all down and sit and let it settle”, I said. No strangers to life’s challenges we both let that sink in. We’ve all got baggage and the only way to take charge of it is to contain it, condense it and make it as manageable as possible.
I encourage you to try this method for all your baggage. Despite therapy and time , it’s probably going with you wherever you go. So it’s best to organize it and compact it as best you can. And don’t forget the giggles . . . or the friend.