My mom was a stay-at-home mom, although in those days she was branded a “housewife”. Whatever the title du jour, I loved her being there after school and her chaperoning field trips.
I, however, wanted a career and for twenty-five years worked in corporate America. Since the loss of my vision I have taken on the role of stay-at-home mom to our rescue parrot, Piper, and set to work on projects around the house that I never had time for while at the office or traveling for business. It’s hard not to feel an obligation when home all the time to do not only the daily things we all must do but the tasks that normally sit for years. I never feel like I can really relax because there is always something to do. I have a newfound respect for those who stay home, raise children and manage their households.
And now that I am preparing to start a new chapter in my professional life, I find myself with actual homework for a course I am taking. As my business busyness increases, I will add juggling to the long list of visual challenges. Challenges, though, are made to be broken.
As I write this post, the sheets are in the dryer. After almost twenty-five years of marriage, the bed is the one place in my home I am retired.