We have become, if not the, then a Windy City. Having lived here all my life I can say definitively that in recent years we have had extremely blustery days no matter the season. It’s not unusual to have to bring in garden flags and porch signs so they don’t blow down . . . and away.
It’s commonplace to hear people commenting on the gusts and it’s clear that although it has been occurring for awhile now, we are all still surprised by it. Recently I heard someone say, “We’d be alright without the wind” referring to whatever the current temperature without the unforgiving blasts of air. In that statement I recognized an analogy for life. When things are gong well we are sailing along on smooth waters, the warm sun on our faces. It is a beautiful thing. But when the wind starts roaring, we are tossed and battered, rattled and shaken, unable to get our bearings, unable to catch our breath. We are tery-eyed and exhausted.
Yes, we’d be alright without the wind.