If you’ve ever been on a job interview, you know they ask you what your strengths are which is usually a pretty easy question to answer. Of course, you need to focus on your professional strengths first and foremost but it’s also good to throw in a few personal strengths since you, the person, will be doing the job.
Now the weaknesses question — and yes, they usually make it plural — that’s a tough one. You certainly don’t want to act like you are perfect and have none, and yet what weaknesses won’t be twisted around to totally kick you out of the running? “My weakness is I have no weaknesses” is not gonna fly. Not that I know from experience . . .
One of my weaknesses is that I am loyal to a fault. If I have a manager whom I believe in and respect, I go to the ends of the earth for them, shy of illegal or immoral activity. I am the same way with my loved ones and the same way with music or Broadway shows that I like. It’s not intentional but if someone or something floats my boat in a big way, I stick with them.
A few years ago, my husband and I went to a concert and the opening act was a singer-songwriter from the Philadelphia area. I really, really enjoyed this gentleman and continued to think about his music during the headliner’s performance. When we came home, I purchased four of his songs from iTunes.
Since then, we’ve seen him many times in person and I now have all of his CDs. I workout using an iPod and even though I have over 1,000 songs on the iPod, I stray to this gentleman’s music a good part of the time.
We saw him this weekend and I want to share him and his talents with you. His name is Dan May. I could go on and on about his voice, his lyrics and his music in general but I realize that music is a personal taste. So check him out at his myspace page; I’ve included the link below. You don’t have to be a member of myspace to access Dan’s page. Scroll down a bit and you can listen to some of his songs right from his myspace page.
If I were Oprah, Dan’s music would be at the top of my Favorite Things. I would have my elves come down the aisles and give you his CDs. But alas, I am not Oprah. I am Sister Rain, so I invite you to check him out for free on his myspace page. Enjoy!
As for my other weaknesses, I am sure if you keep coming back to my blog they are sure to reveal themselves.
All two of them . . .