It is not easy to always be a passenger, even when running local errands with my husband or going to lunch with a friend. I LOVED to drive before my vision loss so there’s that, plus the fact that a huge portion of independence comes from being able to operate a motor vehicle whenever you want. Then, there is the fact that I am a bit of a control freak. I suppose that is like saying I am kind of pregnant (which I have never said . . . nor been). Let me be clear: I am Sister Rain and I am a control freak.
Imagine what it is like for me on a long road trip, I am talking over 5 hours. I have gotten better at being a shotgun rider, but sometimes I cannot keep my mouth shut. In my opinion, Mister Rain likes to look out his side window often, instead of the, you know, front windshield. He tailgates. Conversely, he rides in the left lane while people pass him on the right. It was the latter that recently caused me to organically shout out the latest Sister Rain quote:
“If there’s no one directly in front of you, you’re going too slow.”
This came into being in regard to the passing lane, but it applies to anything we are trying to achieve that is difficult. Once we get started, we have got to keep going, adjusting the benchmark as the momentum builds. In this scenario, the car ahead of us includes our own self, as we hit the gas, working a little smarter, better and yes, faster, each time. We have to catch up and surpass everyone, not only to get where we are going, but to have no one, especially ourselves, in our way. Of course the you in the car ahead of you, stay with me, has to get out of your own way.
I will fully admit I would be, at times, riding my husband’s bumper (not that kind of website, people), perhaps honking my horn to get him to change lanes so that I may pass. It’s possible that I have mellowed a bit with age, but I am glad that I still have the innate desire and the moves to get there.
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter #blindnessisaspectrum #opticneuropathy #visuallyimpaired #blind #shotgunrider