Last year I received an email from USAir indicating they were going to take my 46,637 miles from me as I had not flown with them for eighteen (18) months. In an act of desperation — I EARNED those miles dammit! — I wrote a letter to USAir explaining my unemployment situation and assuring them I would use their airline for business and personal travel once I got back to my career and what I would consider my “real” life. They wrote back with, and I paraphrase, “Tough, tough, cocoa puffs”.
Now, however, that I have reached Silver Preferred Status with them after flying over 28,000 air miles with them since the beginning of the year, they have offered me the opportunity to buy back the miles for $200 by the end of the day tomorrow. That’s $.0042884/mile. A bargain in these ridiculous economic times.
I had my credit card in hand and was ready to make the deal when it hit me — why am I paying THEM for miles I earned and already paid for by purchasing a ticket from them for the flights?
I’ve always said that if I could figure out how the airlines determine airfares and publish that information, I would be a millionaire. Ironically, I would then have my own jet and this would all be a moot point to me. But for now, they’ve got me right where they want me, sitting on their plane, seat belt securely fastened, tray table in its upright and locked position, my seat in its upright position as well, my bags stored either in the overhead bin compartment or under the seat in front of me, electronic devices stowed until takeoff, their miles they giveth and taketh away, and I am now paying them for miles I already paid for.
Well played, USAir, well played.