Winter continues to make himself known (Winter has to be a man with all the aggravation it causes) here in Pennsylvania. I woke up to a surprise of a few inches of snow on the ground and it still coming down. I got ready and headed to work, taking it slow like everyone else. My 45-minute commute turned into 2 hours and I wasn’t even halfway to the office. I let my manager know this and she told me to turn around and work from home. It took me another 2 hours to get back home.
I came home, changed into my sweats and went to set up my “home office” for the day. I needed an extension cord to plug the laptop in so I could work at my coffee table and I went to the extension cord bag that we keep in our basement landing.
First of all, this is my husband’s domain. Let me make that perfectly clear. The cords were all thrown in the bag all willy-nilly and I kept pulling them out and they were all attached to each other. It was a mess. None of the cords I managed to get out and detangle had the blasted third prong hole that I needed for my laptop power cord.
With extension cords from the kitchen into the living room, I made that frustrated call to my husband who informed me there was a cord that I needed in that bag. In case he’s reading this now, this is what he’s going to find on our kitchen floor when he gets home.