Today I was given a horrible project in a different area of the company I’m temping at. After much chaos and much deliberation about where I should sit to do this heinous act, I was given a location. The psychology department.
My sports-loving, über-manly husband said to me last night while watching Dancing With The Stars: “This song is way too fast for a foxtrot.”
A Hard Habit To Break
Well over a year ago, the soap dish in our shower fell out of thewall. While we were without it, we placed the soap in the front corner of the tub. The soap dish is now firmly mounted back into the shower wall. The soap is now firmly placed, by…
The Weekend
Weekends do not count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. — Bill Watterson
Healthy Shmelthy
I am trying to eat healthier these days and one of my biggest struggles is packing a lunch everyday, both from a “what should I take?” perspective as well as from a “I don’t have time for this” in the morning” standpoint. Today I packed a pb&j (don’t laugh –…
Just Like I Always Imagined It
Monday. 86 degrees in mid April. Yeah, that sounds about like Hell to me.
19 1/2 Years
This morning we slept in and were laying in bed not wanting to get up. I was trying to have a conversation with the man in my bed (to clarify, it was my husband) and was getting no response. I knew he was awake. Sister Rain: “Why aren’t you talking…
Down To The Minute
The only time I am able to do math quickly is when I wake up before the alarm goes off, look at the clock and immediately figure out how many minutes I have left to sleep.
Salty or Sweet?
The job I am doing now as a temp involves filing and database and Excel work. Is this what I want to be doing? Absolutely not, but it’s something I feel very comfortable doing and a job that when I leave at 4:30 p.m. everyday, I have no worries or…
Good Night, John Boy
Tonight, while surfing through the channels, I was able to visit with both Half Pint (way before Dancing With The Starts) and the Waltons (who else do you know with their own mountain?) at the same time and I was transported back to 1975. Who needs a time capsule when…
My Job Search
My first job was working in an Orange Juice factory, but I got canned. I couldn’t concentrate. Then I worked in the woods as a Lumberjack, but just couldn’t hack it, so they gave me the axe. After that, I tried being a Tailor, but wasn’t suited for it —…
“Her House Is A Hovel, But Her Blog Is Terrific”
In a text message to my husband today, I used the word “hovel” in describing my work area at my temp job. He replied, “Is this your word of the day?”. Funny guy that Mr. Sister Rain. A little while later I got to thinking and came to the conclusion:…
It Could Always Be Worse
As I do every day, I went to the same drive-thru this morning to get my large cup of blood (aka coffee) and was greeted by the first voice I hear everyday (House Rule #23 – Do Not Talk To Me In The Morning) asking “Would you like to try…
We All Need A Little Verification
Why is it easier to get verified on Twitter than it is to get verified by a potential employer by getting hired?
Isn’t It Ironic?
I spilled anti-bacterial hand gel on my pants today. My hands were clean. My pants were not.
Call Me Fred
I got my badge at my temp job today (after 7 weeks of being there) but I still cannot use the locked down computer/scanner/printer with it which was the whole purpose of getting the badge and the fingerprinting and security clearances that had to happen first. I also made a…
Monday Math
If Sister Rain has 7 jobs in the works and today she finally got an answer back and even though it was a ‘No’ it was still an answer and honestly she didn’t want the job anyway, she swears on the Phillies winning the 2012 World Series, and 2 of…
Scan My Finger
I have been working as a temporary employee for the past 6 weeks at an organization that works with the county’s school district, providing services for children who need them. I have been doing project work for them and spend most of my day with files and a laptop. I…
Holding It All Together Any Way We Can
I’ve been trying to figure out how to write what’s been going on with me over the last week and then I saw it. The ice breaker I was looking for. Click HERE to see. I promise to explain my absence shortly. But for now, it’s all about putting one…
Scenes From A Job Interview Day
Wake up to rain mixed in with wet leaves. #nasty Leave house for morning job interview without suit coat. #havetogobackhome Stop for coffee on way and have someone’s mini creamer shoot the white stuff all over me. #luckywearingmyrain/creamercoat Have interview with two people separately who were perfectly nice but both…
That One Chocolate Morsel Is $20
Those people who believe that Christmas cookies grow on Christmas trees have never spent $120 at Costco on ingredients . . .
Sunday Quote
Never give up on somethingthat you can’t go a day without thinking about.— Unknown
Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign
I am in the interview process for a great opportunity in my field. Although the company is less than 20 miles from my home, I had never heard of the town’s name where the office is located until I saw it on the job posting. My husband had a business…
It’s A Beautiful Day
(her new book is about) “the courage you need when the life you lead is not the life you planned, and you learn, there have to be many definitions of a beautiful day.” — Diane Sawyer on Gabby Giffords
There Is No Crying In OHIAOLW*
*Onion-Haters-In-An-Onion-Loving-World This is the name of a new committee that my friend and I are thinking of starting. Actually, it should be more than a committee. A club? Maybe a foundation? Or an organization? All I know is that we are tired of ordering dishes at restaurants that are not…
Make It A Double
21 years ago today my husband and I met. Our relationship is now legal to drink. Ironic that drinking is the only thing that got us to 21 years . . .
No Crystal Ball Needed
This afternoon, around 2:00 p.m., I found myself having a cup of tea (OK, it was really coffee), sucking on a hard candy (OK, it was a Halls), under a blanket (OK, it was my Phillies Snuggie), reading AARP Magazine (OK, it really was AARP Magazine) and wearing my slippers…
If You Can’t Be With The One You Love, Love The One You’re With
You often hear celebrities preach that if you love what you do, the rest will fall into place. The success, maybe even a nice amount of money. All you have to do is work hard and love what you do. Even the “Life Is Good” t-shirts I love have a…
Quote For The Sunday Night Blues
I’ve been absolutely terrified every moment of my life — and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do. — Georgia O’Keefe
My Last Four Days In Pictures
Saturday (aka Snowtober) Sunday (no power for 24 hours) Monday and Tuesday (terrible cold)
Morning Brew With A Quiet, Smiling Friend
Please tell me you see that the lid appears to be smiling . . .
Better Than Any Manicure
Seeing all the people in the stands at the World Series tonight, nervously chewing on their fingernails, makes me wish my own nails were down to the nub.
i Yi Yi
I spent the iWeekend iWorking on iTunes for my iTouch and my iHusband’s iPad. It was iSomething I expected to take an iHour or iSo on iSaturday, but instead it iTook iAlmost 4 iHours on iSaturday and iAnother 3 iHours iToday. I think iEverything is iOK iNow but I can’t…
Same Guy, Same House, Same Towels
Years ago, when I was beginning my married life, a friend who was already married for 20 years told me she thought there should be showers for people who had been married a long time so that they could get new towels and sheets. I now find myself at the…
I put make-up on today. The first time in 13 days. And I left the house on my own for several hours. It was a cool, crisp beautiful Autumn day; everyone is now wearing coats. The strong winds made the leaves fall quicker than they would have of their own…
The Nice Thing About Meatloaf
I actually wrote this sentence to my dear friend J today and she said it should be the title of my novel. God only knows when that will be written so I didn’t want it to go to waste. Don’t judge me.
Heads, You’re A Powerful Career Woman; Tails, You’re Ridiculous
I just dusted my husband’s nightstand Seattle Seahawks alarm clock WITH A Q-TIP. Eight days ago I was packing to fly to Europe to manage two meetings. If this doesn’t teach me life can change on a dime, I don’t know what can. A Q-TIP!!!
And I Quote
Begin with that most terrifying of all things, a clean slate. Then look, every day, at the choices you are making, and when you ask yourself why you are making them, find this answer: For me, for me. — Anna Quindlen, author and journalist
Rip It Off
It’s time to come clean with you all and tell you what’s been going on. I resigned on Monday and my last day was last Friday so I am back to searching for a job. The decision was agonizing and I never imagined being back where I am at this…
I Don’t Know Who Said It But I Believe It
“Life is fluid. You have to let go and move on.”
A Door Closed Today
Now I’m waiting on that window to open. Wide. The drinks, palm trees, sand and ocean . . . a window treatment on top.
As I Write This On My iTouch
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma” — Steve Jobs
The Samba, The Quickstep and Words of Wisdom?
You know that you’re in a bad mental place when you’re gleaning life lessons from ‘Dancing With The Stars’. I did and I am. (In my defense it was ‘My Most Memorable Year’ episode.)
October 3, 1992
*** Don’t forget our new website address,!!! *** Today is our 19th wedding anniversary. We have a portrait in our dining room of us in a nearby park taken right after we were married. I was looking at that picture this morning wondering who in the world those two…
Without further ado, I’d like to introduce “”!!! The old website address/url, “” will still work, but “” is much easier, don’t you think? As promised, I will continue to write about my eternal job search, my life and the things that often feel like they only happen to Sister…
This is the first weekend I’ve been home in 4 weeks. The house is in a shambles, at least in my OCD mind, and time is moving way too fast to get everything done. One of the main things on my To Do list for the weekend is to apply…
When You Care Enough To Rub Salt In The Open, Oozing Wound
Sorry for the long break! Was away for a week at a meeting. And if you’re thinking that ought to give me a lot of material for the blog, you’re right. Stay tuned for that. On the way to work this morning I heard that Hallmark has come out with…
Just Like Riding A Bike
It turns out applying for jobs is just like riding a bike. You never forget. And sometimes it really, really hurts.
Hello Friends: The change is a-coming, albeit in baby steps. As you can see, today I have changed the Header of this blog to its new name, I will be changing the web address to match soon, but wanted to at least roll this portion of the change out…
Painted Love
Setting: My Bedroom This Morning (don’t be afraid) Attendees: Mr. and Mrs. Sister Rain Mrs. Sister Rain lies on her bed to put her make-up on using the reading/bed lamp (don’t ask why just go with it please). Mr. Sister Rain, in a rare occurance, is awake and lying in…
Just When I Thought It Was Safe To Change My URL . . .
Just as I’m ready to change the title and web address for this blog, from a title which indicates we’re all about the job search to something more “generic”, I am seriously thinking of searching for a new job. Major, unexpected changes are occurring in my company, and although I…
Flying Home . . . Or So I Hope
Do you think the TSA is really gonna believe that this white substance all over my shoes is powder? Because it is. SISTER RAIN HELPFUL HINT #1: Make sure your powder is closed before you pack your suitcase.
Special Delivery
Yesterday I was being driven to the airport and texted a girlfriend to let her know that I was headed out of town. She replied, “Eight years ago today you were also at the airport”. I had no idea, at first, what she was referring to. We had not ever…
Salmon Of The Sea
On-site at a hotel doing a meeting and discussing lunch, which is salmon, with my colleague. She just said to me: “Salmon is the fishiest fish in the sea.” I wonder how the salmon would feel about this?
Is That Seaweed In Your Swim Trunks Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?
Spending a few days at the beach with my mom and husband with my husband making his annual leap (literally) into the ocean today. My husband, bless his heart, is very laid back. Sometimes I refer to him as Rigor, as in mortis. He doesn’t rush to do anything and…
The Perfect Ending To A Pretty Bad Day
TGIF! Today was in the top three worst days of my career; a major problem/crisis (whichever you prefer, I prefer neither) caused many things to topple down with me in the middle. In my non-professional world, the worst thing I ever have to do in the way of chores is…
Drum Roll Please . . .
Since it’s September 1st, a new month, I want to announce the new name of this blog. The url will not change for a few weeks, but when it does, it will be called what is represented above. I am very excited for this new phase of my blog’s life…
Word of The Day
hyperventablating “hy-per-ven-tab-lat-ing” Definition of HYPERVENTABLATING : to lose one’s mind because of stress Examples of HYPERVENTABLATING I sent my colleague an email with some errors she had made and she Skyped me that she was “hyperventablating”. First Known Use of HYPERVENTABLATING August 31, 2011 @ 3:23 p.m. EST Related to…
A year ago this week, we planted a crape myrtle in our backyard. Neither one of us are tree or plant people, so adding a new addition to our landscape was a big deal for us. I worried about her during the Winter and it was a tough one, with…
It’s Never Good When Legal Documents Come To Life
Normally I am reading contracts at my desk with the verbiage of “Force Majeure” (defined as a superior or overpowering force; an unexpected or uncontrollable event or simply, an act of God). Today, I was protecting my desk from that very thing.
Loyal To The End
Click HERE to read how Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson’s Labrador retriever, Hawkeye, was loyal to the end, as he refused to leave his master’s side during an emotional funeral.
Candidate Mentioned That He Had Survived A Bite From A Deadly Aquatic Animal
Well, that caught my attention this morning and now it’s caught yours! CareerBuilder has uncovered the 15 Strangest Resume Mistakes. Click HERE for that article. It’s ridiculously awesome!
Quell Ching Rumors
Contrary to what you may have heard, the new blog name is NONE of the following: Pat Hetic . com M.T. Headed . com Ken Hardly Read . com or Drew P. Drorrs . com Although was tempting!
A Dry, Safe Place
On my way to pick up my Mom this morning, it started to pour rain. I stopped at the library to return some books before picking Mom up, and I noticed an older woman walking to the next door grocery store, with no umbrella and no protection from the downpour….
I Wish These Pages Didn’t Turn So Noisily
The problem with having a husband who helps out around the house is that it’s impossible to not feel guilty about reading the book I can’t put down while he cleans the bathroom. And so I don’t. Put it down that is.
Gone Global
In my job, I manage meetings not only in the United States but all over the world. I’ve begun working on two new meetings with my Event Coordinator, who is from our Russian office. What you must understand is that I am a simple girl with a huge heaping of…
His Loss Is My Loss
My husband, who is in his 40s, still plays baseball. His team competed tonight in its first playoff game of the season, a one-loss elimination round. It was the first game I attended this year and I was blamed (kiddingly of course) (I think) for being a jinx by other…
Exciting News
Big news dear Readers! The name of this blog is going to be changing in the coming weeks. I’ll give you plenty of notice and I’m pretty sure the old address will work, at least for awhile. I’m not quite ready to reveal the new name but I am very…
DO Pay Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain
I attended a memorial service today for a former colleague and friend who passed away of brain cancer at the age of 67. Many of my colleagues from “back in the day” were there and although it was wonderful to see them all, the reason we were all gathered was…
What Do You Mean You Put Money In It And Make A Telephone Call? How Do You Drive Around With It?
It used to be when you came home from a vacation, you would unpack, do laundry, maybe go grocery shopping, pick up the mail you had stopped delivery on while you were not home. Nowadays, if you have the Geek Factor in your DNA, there are a host of other…
Plucking On The Beach
I am at the beach on vacation for a few days. I was sitting in my beach chair today, enjoying the cool ocean on my feet and legs and watching the little ones experience the ocean for the first time. Then I experienced something for the first time myself! A…
The Week In Review
Monday is the day of ickTuesday you are still feeling sickWednesday you pass over the humpThursday it’s back to being a grumpFriday is the finish lineSaturday, if I’m lucky, the day is all mineSunday you see Monday around the bendThen it begins all over again.
There But For The Grace Of God
I can’t stop watching it or thinking about it or tearing up when I see it. I don’t know what you believe, but this has to make you believe in something.
An Unwelcome Visitor
If Monday was in my front yard, I’d be in my backyard. And vice versa. Actually I’d be in bed.
Except For The Absence Of That New Car Smell, You’d Never Know
My car had to go in for inspection this afternoon (inspections are required every year in Pennsylvania) and on my way to work this morning I was thinking about taking the beach chairs out of the back and anything else I wanted to remove before taking it to the garage….
What Do A Laptop, Peanut Butter And A Fuel Pump Have In Common?
Some weird stuff happening today, Friends. I drove 22 of my 23 miles to work this morning only to remember I left my laptop at home. I had to drive back home and then back to work again. A 70-mile commute. Lovely. Then a little before lunch my husband went…
Autumn Turns To Winter, And Winter Turns To Spring
I have a theory that everything in life can be tied to a Brady Bunch episode. Wanna get out of something? = “Something suddenly came up!” Break something that you shouldn’t have been touching in the first place? = “Mom always said don’t play ball in the house.” Need money?…
What Is Time On My Hands, Alex?
Things are pretty slow at work as we knew it would be since summer is our slow season. None of us are traveling and just a few of us have begun our planning for fall meetings. There is lots of downtime and lots of web surfing and Skyping back and…
Everybody IN The Pool
I have always dreamed of having a pool. When I was growing up, my mom’s friend two doors down had one and I spent many hours in that pool while my mom and Mrs. F. talked about their stories (translation for you younger readers: soap operas), their husbands (there was…
As my husband informed me earlier, today was the hottest day in our lifetimes. He said, “Today is the hottest day in our lifetimes.” Short and sweet. Just like the man.
Whatever I Touch, Starts To Melt In My Clutch
Temperatures and tempers are at an all-time high here in Southeastern Pennsylvania. We will reach 100 degrees today and into the weekend. I can’t remember the last time it rained. You can see the heat is taking a toll on people everywhere you look. It ain’t pretty, let me tell…
My Morning Commute
If Road Rage were a rocket ship, I’d be writing this from the moon! When I wrote this post this morning, I gave absolutely no thought to the fact that on this date in 1969 Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin became the first men to walk…
I Take This Man To Lawfully Be My Son?
Apparently one of my unknown responsibilities after almost 19 years of marriage is to wake my husband before I leave for work. He doesn’t have to get up or leave as early as I do (click HERE for the back story) and this morning I didn’t tell him I was…
Sorry Bay City Rollers (I am very, very old), there will be no raucous party tonight in the world of Sister Rain. After a busy week between work and some fun things “on a school night”, I am ready to finish up my weekly chores today, then settle in on…
A True Wonder Of Our World
I went to see friend and singer/songwriter Dan May perform last night at the new Levitt Pavilion SteelStacks. This is a new outside venue built right up against the still standing tall and proud Bethlehem Steel manufacturing facility’s 5 blast furnaces. The Bethlehem Steel Corporation (1857–2003) was once the second-largest…
You’re The Emblem Of The Land I Love
A sunny July Saturday morning. Running local errands with the hubster, when I turn a corner onto the top of a hill of a residential street. Both sides of the street have houses proudly displaying the American flag. It honestly took my breath away. A slice of Americana, a Norman…
No Ma’am
I made my daily stop at McDonald’s this morning for a large coffee. There was a new person at the window, a young man under 20 years old. He handed the coffee to me out the window and said “Have a good day, miss”. I am of the age where…
Jaycee Dugard
I just watched her interview with Diane Sawyer and the interview and Jaycee will be with me for a long, long time. Jaycee has created a foundation to provide support and services to ensure the timely treatment of families that are recovering from abduction and the aftermath of other traumatic…
Sister Rain: A Biography
If you’re a long time reader of this blog, you know that I’ve got some OCD issues when it comes to organizing things, especially my home. When I lost my job in the summer of 2007, I tackled the clutter in my house and am proud to say my husband…
Perhaps The Best Book Title EVER
In case you’re wondering, yes, I do have a big *ss. If you’re not wondering, I still have a big *ss.
You Can’t Teach An Old Lobster New Tricks
My 40-something tanorexic self knows better than to sit in the sun for the first time this year without sunscreen on her legs and yet she seems surprised that the top of her legs are the same color as the Phillies shirt that she’s wearing.
A Cliche But A Truthful One
A cloudy day at the beach is still better than a sunny day at home. I’ve got the clouds, but I’ve also got books and my mom and the Phillies on this afternoon. Would I prefer it to be sunny? Yes, but that would be the icing on this delicious…
Scarlett Fridays
From today until Labor Day, we are done work on Fridays at 12:30 p.m. It is really a nice perk, although I’m told it’s only because the fall schedule is of such a pace that we all may not survive it. Much like Scarlett, I’ll worry about that tomorrow —…
Rest Day For Working On The Weekend
R econnect with a best friendE ase into the day with no make-upS it and read a bookT ake it slow and easy D o NOT check work emailA hhhhhhh (the sound of relaxing)Y es, I wish every day could be like this
They’ve Got Me By The Flotation Device
Last year I received an email from USAir indicating they were going to take my 46,637 miles from me as I had not flown with them for eighteen (18) months. In an act of desperation — I EARNED those miles dammit! — I wrote a letter to USAir explaining my…
There Is Right And Then There Is Wrong
When I get up in the morning for work, I get in the shower, dry and “do” my hair, apply some make-up, get dressed and leave the house. During this time, my husband is still in bed, snoring away. I then make my 20+ mile commute, and sometime at about…
Say CHEESE-cake
A plate of mini cheesecakes arrived in our working office at the hotel we are having our meeting at. I wish I could express to you how happy this made me. Perhaps by blogging about it I have.
A Civil Hug
I am spending today in a hotel lobby, greeting guests as they arrive for the meeting I am managing this week. This a busy hotel, located downtown in a major U.S. city. Families are here on vacation and there are also business people everywhere, checking in, checking out, passing through…
Mile High Book Club
So the guy on the plane next to me this morning was reading a book called “Winners Never Cheat”. What he should have been reading, in my opinion, is “Nice People Are Pleasant” or something along those lines. I’m talking to you Grumpy McGrumpstein.
“Pack” Is A Four-Letter Word
Not even brand new luggage — still in the box — can entice me or provoke me to want to pack. The evil spell cast on me by the powers that be is the love of travel and the aversion to packing. Things could be worse I suppose. Snow White,…
All In All, It’s Just Another Hit From The Wall
I have hit the wall in a big way. You know the wall, don’t you? You come in in the morning and even before you have put your stuff down (coffee, purse, laptop bag, keys, sunglasses) there’s a crisis that needs your attention. And basically, you don’t stop for the…
Tomorrow I will receive my six month “probationary” review at my company. 6 months, 26,000 miles, 14 flights,6 states, 6 site visits,4 meetings,2 countries,1 lost bag and6 paychecks (we get paid once a month). Can you guess which one is my favorite? Better the bag get lost than the paychecks…
No Horses Or Ponies Were Harmed In The Writing Of This Blog
They say when you fall off a horse you should get right back up on it. I haven’t fallen off any horses, but I have fallen off the blog writing pony. I have no excuse other than a crazy travel schedule for my job. Ironic that this blog started out…
Memorial Day
I have to pack today for an 8-day business trip and finish up some wash and make sure things are in order at home before I head out early tomorrow morning. Before I even opened my eyes, I was feeling the stress and anxiety of these preparations. I sat down…
Ho Ho No
Record-setting weather here in Pennsylvania for the end of May, with highs reaching into the 90s. Today, and I beg you not to judge me, my husband and I worked for over six hours taking down our Christmas decorations, including our tree. We normally keep our decorations up until the…
A Heat Wave In A Normally Cold Location
There is no colder place than the inside of a plane as people are boarding. No one wants to look anyone else in the eye for fear that they are going to take that middle seat next to you or (dare I even speak it?) bring their child into YOUR…
A Life Without Scars Is A Life Unlived
Almost a week has gone by without a post for me. Life is moving so hard and so fast and it’s mostly centered around work and the shell of the woman I once was when I return home after the work day is over. Tomorrow morning I am flying to…
What I Have In Common With Maria Shriver
We both keep asking: “How did I get here?” Yesterday was my 5 month anniversary with my company and yesterday I found out the following: We are moving to a new office location Our manager will be leaving for maternity leave in September and when she comes back she will…
Rainy Days, Mondays and Guilty Pleasures Get Me Down
Not even back to back episodes of Khloe and Lamar and Dancing With The Stars could take away the yuckiness of this rainy, gray Monday.
A Wish To Grant Wishes
My dream job would be to work for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I used to work with a group that raised money for this wonderful organization and I can’t imagine a better use of my planning and organizational skills than to grant wishes to children in need of a break from…
If You Can’t Be With The One You Love, Honey, Love The One You’re With
I have been at my current job for almost five months and almost every day I do some kind of job search. I don’t think I’ll ever stop looking, it’s part of my DNA now. What I have discovered is that there aren’t any jobs out there in my field….
After a rough day of returning to the office after being on the road the week before, my husband came home from work and changed into his softball uniform and left for his game. I changed into comfy clothes, got in my bed, and read my book for 2 hours….
Birthday Wish Granted
After a wonderful birthday weekend, it is Monday morning and I am home today. My company calls this a “rest day” and you are entitled to one when you work during the weekend. Being home is reminiscent of all the days when I was home unemployed but without all the…
You Want To See My ID? Will My AARP Card Do?
Five hours before my birthday, I was carded for the first time in probably 20 years. Birthday gift received.
A Stance We All Can Take
“There’s no future and there’s no past,” Ibanez said. “Just stay in the moment and go after it. That’s kind of the stance I had to take.” — Raul Ibanez, Philadelphia Phillies, after coming out of the worst hitting slump of his career
Where For Art Thou CNN?
How can I be 9 miles from CNN’s headquarters and my TV show “No Signal” for that channel???
When your husband offers to pack for you for a week’s business trip, and packing is the most hated thing you have to do in this life, for real, do you allow him to do so?
Whatever Happened to Bob and Jim?
I cannot be the only one who’s noticed Oprah’s new hair cut looks remarkably like Michelle Obama’s style. For a woman who seems to talk to us about everything, her new look went unmentioned in shows this week where she premiered the new do. In a world where a lot…
It’s Called LUG-gage For A Reason
Today I was working on some finance reports at work and going through a large spreadsheet showing all our charges on our shared corporate credit card for our biggest client. It’s a mixture of every type of expense you can think of – ground transportation, airfare, meals. There are quite…
Open Wide
Work today was a rude awakening after a 4-day-weekend. Nothing went right. I had a dentist appointment after work and that was the best part of my day. And that really says it all.
I am at the New Jersey Shore with my Mom for Easter weekend. We come every year and it’s our way of saying goodbye to Winter (don’t let the door hit you on the way out) and hello to Spring. Being here is the first time in over 3 years…
The Home Of The Brave
Whenever I see a military person, I go up to them and thank them for their service and sacrifice. As you know, an airport is an opportunity to see many of our brave heroes. I always wonder if they’re headed home or in the other direction and I always hope…
The RAV4 Triangle
I am a very organized person. My house is organized, my office at work is organized. I don’t have a lot of stuff in my purse and I am extremely picky about my car and keeping it clean and clutter-free. Sometimes, I will admit, I lose things though and I…
Didn’t I Used To Type Up Your Marketing Plans 20 Years Ago?
On my flight home the other day from another business trip, I saw a manager of mine from 20+ years ago. I saw him as I was boarding — he was already in his seat — and we caught up once we landed as we walked to our cars. We…
Up Your Nose With A Rubber Hose
I am watching the TV Land Awards and feeling so very old. The Cosby Show, The Facts of Life, Family Ties and Welcome Back Kotter. My elementary and junior and senior high school years. The Huxtables, the Keatons, Vinnie and Boom Boom and Horshack. Blair and Jo and Tootsie and…
I Apologize and Now I Don’t
In the ongoing war with USAir, a war which I am only aware of, they ended up putting 1,000 “Customer Appreciation Bonus” points into my account today even though they said they were going to then they said Oops!, no they weren’t and then today they did. So I apologize….
Living The Dream
This woman who was unemployed for three years spent Tuesday night in the Presidential Suite at a 5 star hotel in San Diego. There was a piano in my room for gosh sakes! The theme song from “The Jeffersons” played in my head the entire time . . .
If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know that I am having some struggles with USAir. Of course, the use of the word “struggles” implies that they are struggling back which they are certainly not. They are going about their business which apparently is giving people miles…
Did You Really Just Say “Oops!”???
I have written several times about my dislike of USAir. Click HERE for my most recent posting. On April 4th I received the above email from them. It was entitled “They’re waiting in your account!”. Then on April 9th I received another email from them which they had the nerve…
When Bad Technology Happens To Good Geeks
Sunny, dry day in Pennsylvania after a week of clouds and rain. No work today — at least none that I have to drive to. Today is filled with wash and trying to put my house back together after a week of living in it. And fixing things that aren’t…
The Good Old Days . . . They Just Weren’t So Good At The Time
It took me 2 hours to get home tonight because of an accident on the turnpike. It usually takes me 45 minutes to an hour. For three years my commute to “my job”, which was searching for a new job, was about 10 seconds, from my bedroom to our office….
Earn New Miles But Keep The Old — I Wish
In the last five weeks, I have flown almost 12,000 miles with another 6,000+ coming my way next week. Fourteen months ago an airline who shall remain nameless, (OK I name it HERE), stripped over 46,000 miles from me because I had not flown with them in 18 months. No…
Feeling Dehydrated Already
I’m back in the office today, having BlackBerry and other technical problems. Such a culture shock to be on-site all week then come back to office politics and other nonsense. Why can’t we bottle that feeling of success and a job well done and drink it when we are back…
Returning To Home Plate
Once again, I apologize for the lapse in posting. I was away all week managing a meeting and had no time to write or eat or use the bathroom . . . OK, I might be exaggerating a little bit. When I left home, we had had snow and ice…
The Sister Rain
One of the really nice things about my company is they provide a car service for us to/from the airport when we travel for business. This morning a friend who lives down the street saw a Towne Car parked in front of my house and instant messaged me about it….
Hand Cream May Not Fix This
What does it mean when you’ve been wearing an wedding ring and engagement ring for over 18 years and all of a sudden the skin under it begins to flake like a January snow? None of the other parts of either hand are flaking. Last year the church I got…
Not Rodeo Drive But Close
Today we had a meeting at work with a vendor who wants us to use them for a specific type of event that we might be doing. We were all in the conference room, listening to their spiel, when I looked down at the business cards the two gentlemen had…
Probie No More
I completed my first meeting this week. My first day back in the office after the meeting was today and it coincidentally fell on my 3-month anniversary with my new company. No flowers were delivered and at the other end of the spectrum, I wasn’t removed from the building either….
Counting The Blessing Of A Routine Friday
One morning you wake up and there are multiple Tweets telling you a natural disaster has occurred on the other side of the world and it’s not over yet. I see the pictures online and I hear the reports but I just can’t conceive of what is happening. Meanwhile, my…
Whoopi-ty-aye-oh, Rockin’ To And Fro
Tomorrow is my last day in the office before I go on another business trip. From the United Kingdom to Dallas, Texas – different accents and different time zones. It’s a big ole world and in true Dallas fashion, I seem to be back in the saddle again. And that…
It’s ASH . . .
I think people are confused today. Everyone is acting like an *ss, thinking it’s *ss Wednesday!
Laggage Claim
The jet lag has ffected me (that’s not a typo, effected and affected are my worse words to discern between) and I’m still recovering. They say for every hour difference you experienced, it takes a day for every hour to get back on track. It was a 5 hour time…
My company is generous in that if you work on a weekend, you get to take a day off. Today I am off on my very first “Rest Day”. Of course, though, if you’re a woman, a day of rest is something mystical, like a unicorn. You may have thought…
Would The Queen Choose To Be The Queen If Given A Choice?
Rainy Sunday on the outside but a bevy of activity on the inside. I was in the UK last week for my job and today I am putting my luggage away and catching up on everything else at home, hopefully, including my sleep. I apologize for the gap in writing;…
Once Upon A Time . . .
. . . in a land far, far away, lived a Princess who was put into a high tower by a Evil Witch named Unemployment. For three long years, the Princess was unable to continue her career in the Land of Opportunity. During her time in the tower, she wore…
He Doesn’t Even Know His ABC’s!
Earlier tonight my husband told me he was going to look up a guy’s phone number in the phone book. He told me this at a diner where we were having dinner. His BlackBerry was sitting on the table right next to him. I told him I can’t be with…
It’s Not About The URL But What You Do With It
I have been thinking about the direction of my blog and where it’s headed. I thought it would move forward organically, but I feel it’s unfair to draw people here to talk about the job search when I now am starting Month 3 in a job. Would you continue to…
Rowing Down The Turnpike
I am so sorry for not posting for a few days. I am still leery about posting from work and the nights have been filled with the stuff we can’t get done because we are at work. This leads me to what I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. I…
I Am Waiting To Get Good At Waiting
I am learning the ebb and flow of my new company and my new job and much like the job search, I have no control over when and what comes my way. I am supposed to be traveling next week but that may be cancelled. Other meetings assigned to me…
Malarkey Not Served Here
I saw that the Unemployment rate has dropped to 9%. For a long time, I was part of that statistic but when I was, I never really thought about the numbers. I had to keep my head down and everyday dig deep to keep doing what I had to do…
Ice Capades
I had to stop at the cleaners on the way home tonight. I went there this morning but the parking lot was a sheet of ice so I didn’t get out of my car. Life is very different in the winter and you’ve really got to plan ahead. I don’t…
Let Me Give You My Card
My new company has its you-know-what together in a lot of ways. On my first day of work my laptop was set up and so was my desk phone. Over the last seven weeks, I’ve been waiting for other things to arrive such as my shirts (we have a company…
More snow and a wintry mix is headed this way and let me be perfectly clear that “wintry mix” is not some form of a salad. “Smarter than the average bear” is looking pretty damn smart to me.
Never Forget Where You’ve Come From (As If Life Would Let You)
My new company pays us on the very last working day of every month. Yes, we get paid once a month. After not receiving any consistent, large income for some time, it was wonderful to finally get paid for the 12 days in December that I worked a few weeks…
2 Feet of Snow
Disclaimer:I received this pictured via email in a long chain of forwarded emails. It’s not my idea or creation but I wish it was. I sure have the ingredients in the front AND back yard.
Winter Extension
Winter continues to make himself known (Winter has to be a man with all the aggravation it causes) here in Pennsylvania. I woke up to a surprise of a few inches of snow on the ground and it still coming down. I got ready and headed to work, taking it…
Sometimes Strength Comes To Us In The Strangest Ways
I did have a Ouija Board when I was a kid but it held no more weight for me than Monopoly or Kerplunk which were also stacked in my toy chest. As I’ve mentioned before, I get my horror-scope delivered via text message every morning at 7:00 a.m. As is…
That’ll Be Two Large Coffees To Go Please
During the 3 years I was searching for a job, I never lost my confidence. Honestly, it never waivered. Without sounding too terrible, I believe that I am very good at what I do and have a lot to offer. I never could understand when I wouldn’t get a job…
Very Important Tip For Job Searchers
When writing your thank you letter after an interview, I would suggest you do NOT assure your potential future employer that you could “hit the ground running”. If you decide to use this verbiage despite my advice, after a few days of reading SOPs and filling out paperwork, if you’re…
My Bad
Dear Fellow Allentown/Philadelphia Residents: I am writing to apologize for a grave disservice I have unwittingly committed against you. On December 16th, 2010, I returned to the work force after three years of doing the job search full time. Since December 16th, we’ve had snow and ice. My new employer…
The Only Ice I Want . . .
. . . is in a glass with the Captain and Coke. Pennsylvania Winters are not for the meek at heart.
We Just Pulled The String A Little Tighter Back In My Day
The job isn’t the only thing new for me these days. At the office, the copier, the printer, the laptop and don’t get me started on the phones! We are a small (but mighty) company and our receptionist left last Friday to have a baby (how dare she!). What this…
They Grow Up So Fast
One year ago today I started this blog in a therapeutic effort to blow off steam as a result of my then 2 1/2 year job search. 365 days, 1,055 visitors from 4 countries, 257 entries, 82 jobs applied for, 2 “You’re Hired!” and 1 resignation later: Happy Birthday To…
Let’s Put The “Write” Back In Writing
At my new job we can go on personal email and other websites at lunch or when we need a break, but I am hesitant to view or sign on to this blog from work. However, I do like to write my blog entries when they come to me so…
Jeans: Worth The Fear
I’m in my 40’s and I basically hid at my desk into the afternoon because I wore jeans to the office today after shoveling my way to my car and was afraid of being told about it by my new manager. This lasted until my body functions overrode my fear…
It’s Not The One Or Two Snowflakes That’ll Get You
While I was out of work, I did not miss the eternal debate of whether or not to make the drive into the office when it snows. I need this job and want to keep it, but no one has the right to tell me whether it’s safe or not…
I Want To Be A Real Meeting Planner
Today at work I found myself reviewing hotel contracts, off-site dinner location possibilities and ground transportation quotes. Today, for the first time in years, I felt like and was a real Meeting Planner.
Who Goes To Dunkin’ Donuts And Doesn’t Get Coffee?
Apparently my husband. I am still trying to get better from this blasted bronchitis that 2011 brought with it. We slept in this morning and then my husband ran out for a few things and to get a special treat of donuts from Dunkin’ Donuts. If you are a coffee…
Goggles Pizano
I couldn’t find my keys this morning as I was trying to leave the house. This never happens to me but it’s only to be expected it should start happening now that I have a new job that expects me to arrive — and rightly so — at a certain…
A Year And New Job In Review
January 1 – Sore Throat January 2 – Congestion, Coughing Like An Exorcism Is Taking Place, Chills, Fever January 3 – First work day of new year in new job. Spent in bed. January 4 – Second work day of new year in new job. Spent in bed. January 5…
New Year’s Eve
Here we find ourselves again, sending out the old and ringing in the new. Counting our blessings and trying to decide what we want to work to improve upon in the coming year. I can honestly say that all I’ve resolved to do in the last few years is find…
Does This Thing Come With Instructions?
These two “Instructions” have come up on my Life’s Little Instruction Calendar and I wanted to share them with you: December 22nd:Change what you can.Accept what you can’t.Live peacefully with all that’s left. December 29th:This coming year make time for good books, good food, good blogs and good friends. (OK,…
In Between
I hope you are all having a great holiday and enjoying this week between the chaos of Christmas and the chaos of a New Year. I’m just taking a little break but I’ll be back strong in 2011, if not before.
The Job Gods Have A Sense Of Humor, But I’m Not Laughing
I had been out of work for almost 3 years and now, the day before Christmas Eve, everyone I know – and apparently everyone I don’t know – is home, snuggled in their beds, visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads. I, however, am sitting at my desk drinking my…
Life Is A Revolving Door
I started my new job a week ago and one of the women in my office is leaving the company tomorrow. Even though we do totally different jobs, it’s the yin and the yang, the Circle of Life. She’s excited about her new opportunity and seems more than ready to…
Give Me A Large Rock And A Chisel
You know you’ve been out of work a long time when you go to order office supplies to order a notebook to write things in with a pen and computers come up. Same with tablets.
Yup, That’s My Name On My Office Door
I am struggling with a major case of uncomfortableness in the new job and I’m trying to analyze what is going on. Is it just returning to the work force after so much time? Is it the fact that I am, for the first time in my career, not the…
Rejection Only Hurts If You Care
I received this email today, on my second day of work at my new job: Dear Sister Rain, Thank you for your interest in XYZ Medical. Unfortunately, this email is to inform you that we have filled the Meeting Planner position. We invite you to revisit our website to view…
Who Is That? Oh, It’s Me!
On my way to my first day on the job I stopped at Wawa for coffee. For those of you who don’t know Wawa, it’s a really great convenience store here in Pennsylvania and other close states. Anyway, as I was pulling into a parking spot I noticed one woman…
My Girl Scout Leader Would Be Ashamed
Here it is, the Eve before I start my new job. I’ve been saying since I got the offer that I needed to go through my winter work clothes (because it’s been freezing here already oh joy) to see what fits and what I can still wear and now it’s…
1,000 Visitors Served
My blog reached 1,000 visitors today. It’s quite a milestone for not only me but my job search. I started this blog in January and since then I’ve struggled through my unemployment, a new job that was terribly, terribly wrong, unemployment again — this time on my own terms but…
My Cup Runneth Half Full
Two more days until I start my new job. I was busy today with some final Christmas shopping and visiting with family. It’s a different kind of time off for me now, I am way more relaxed since I know I have a job and yet now with each passing…
‘Twas Two Weeks Before Christmas
‘Twas two weeks before Christmas, when all through my blog,Not much was happening, the job search covered in fog;The resumes were submitted with cover letters in tow,In hopes that a job would arrive, way before snow; The business suits and heels were all snug in the closets,While our bank account…
Christmas Has Come Early
I received a verbal and written offer yesterday for the job I’ve been pursuing. It’s a good offer and although I haven’t accepted yet, I’m going to. I’ve asked a few question before I accept, but I’m sure their answers will not change my mind. It’s such a strange time…
I’d Like To Change My Wish Please Jiminy Cricket
One of my references was called this morning and talked to who is looking more and more like my new manager. Is this what they mean when they say “Be careful what you wish for?”.
Merry Status Quo
There’s been some news in my job search. On Friday I got a call from the recruiter I’ve been working with on the job I had two interviews for. The second interview was last Monday and there were two other candidates they were seeing again. When I didn’t hear anything…
A Cup Of Perfectionism And A Pinch Of OCD
I’ve got some perfectionism issues mixed in with what I would diagnose as (playing a doctor on TV as I do) a SMALL amount of OCD. I’ve always known this but sometimes the signs smack you in the head like a 2′ x 4′. I’ve been decorating my house the…
Will Expire 99/99/9999
More decorating today. When will this nightmare end? Oh, that’s right — on December 26th. I haven’t heard anything about the job I second interviewed for on Monday. They had two other candidates they were bringing back and then were going to check references and make an offer. None of…
I’ll Say It Again, I Need A Job To Get Some Rest
An email I just sent to my mother-in-law: Hello Mother-In-Law Dear: I received your voice mail and will return your call tonight. Right now, however, I am in Decorating Hell. Are you familiar with Decorating Hell? I think you are. It’s not to be confused with Baking Hell, which is…
A Question Worth Asking . . . And Answering
I’ve been thinking something in my head (that’s why they call it thinking you know) and have been hesitant to put it down in green and white (the official colors of this blog) but it’s all I can think about so here goes: TO BE READ IN A NON-HISTRIONIC, NON-TEMPER-TANTRUM,…
I Must Have Really Done Some Damage In A Past Life
I had a second interview scheduled today at 10:00 a.m. I left my house around 8:30 a.m. and sat in my car waiting for my car defrosters to do their thing. As I was sitting in my car outside of my house, I realized I had forgotten my GPS so…
Thank You
When I woke up this morning I stayed in bed and took some time to give thanks for the many blessings in my life. My husband, my Mom, my friends (and I named them one by one), the rest of my family, my health, my home, my books, my gadgets…
Walking The Walk With Sand Between My Toes
I’ve been doing some day-before-Thanksgiving cooking today and just sat down to do some computer chores. I am tired and smell like fried bread (from the filling or stuffing depending where you are from). My friend and I were saying today that mentally we both feel like it’s still summer…
She’s Got A Good Personality But She’s Not Going To Win Any Beauty Contests
After I published yesterday’s blog entry I received an email from the recruiter asking about my availability early next week for a SECOND INTERVIEW! Yippee! So I am going Monday morning. I asked the recruiter if he had received any feedback about me from the first interview and he replied…
Do You Think It’s Infected?
Isn’t it funny how the the things that drive us most crazy about others are the things we often don’t recognize in ourselves? I follow several blogs and it makes me crazier than I already am that they don’t update the blogs daily. And here I am, not having updated…
Is That A Tissue In Your Pocket Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?
I cannot stress enough the importance in going through clothes’ pockets before throwing them in the washer. Not to look for your spouse’s receipts of an afternoon delight, but to make sure all the tissues are out of the pockets. Not doing so could result in disaster.
An Early Christmas Carol
Christmas is coming, The goose is getting fat,Please to put a penny, In Sister Rain’s hat. I am so sick and tired of thinking and worrying about money. Can I get an “Amen!”?
Waiting and the Wardrobe
I had an interview today with a company that was arranged by a recruiter. I was in the interview for an hour and I think it went really well. But I have rarely left an interview feeling like it didn’t go well, so I can’t rely on my gut in…
Fatal Deduction
I have become a fatalist and it’s all based around the issue of money. If we have a leaky faucet I am convinced that we need all new plumbing in our house. If the refrigerator makes a new noise I just know it needs to be replaced. Yesterday, I reached…
Friday Night Plights
Friday night, 6:30 p.m. and I’m doing my “long” job search which I do once a week and takes over an hour, longer if I actually find something to apply for. I had a busy week and that’s why I’m doing this on a Friday night. It has nothing to…
Not A Champagne Bottle or Noise Maker In Sight
I saw a posting for a job right up my alley the other day. The job was being posted by a Recruiter so I contacted him right away. After a phone interview yesterday, I went and met with him today. Things went well and before I had even returned home…
The Case of The Disappearing Job
Let me please recount for you the events in applying for a job I saw online yesterday: > I find the job on an employment website.> I print the job description out. > I go to the company’s website and find the job opening in the ‘Careers’ section.> I try…
To All Of You To Whom I Blame:
I am tired today. Tired of the daily grind of job searching and trying to not panic and still have a life. Some days I just can’t bear sitting here going through employment and corporate sites but I really have no choice, I must keep searching. I’ve found a few…
Willy Wonka Wannabe
I am doing the job search on Sunday afternoon and I always search on the entire state of Pennsylvania, instead of my zip code, as to not limit myself. I’m close to Philadelphia and Allentown and points in between and around and don’t want to miss any opportunities. So I’m…
Paying My Dues . . . 20 Years Later
I read a book recently, fiction, about Hollywood. It got me to thinking how actors and actresses stereotypically work as waiters and waitresses, respectively, until they get their “big break”. It used to be that acting was one of the hardest professions to break into. Until now. Now, ANY profession…
The F Word
I’ve been thinking alot about the question posed by Robert Schuller: What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail? There are so many things really. I would write for a living. I would open my own business. I would walk into companies I want to…
When Life Hands You A Monday Like This, Spend Tuesday In Bed
I didn’t get the job I had two interviews for. I honestly didn’t want it, but I needed it. I didn’t get a chance at the job for the company I would love to work for. The Corn Stalking (click HERE) apparently didn’t help. At all. The San Francisco Giants…
What A Difference A Recession Makes
I had a phone interview this afternoon and it went well, but the salary is about half of what I was making when I lost my job in 2007. It really is amazing what a company expects as far as the responsibilities of the position and the salary they are…
Beep, Beep
I went downstairs, saw the answering machine light blinking, hit “PLAY” expecting to hear yet another political campaign call and there it was: “Yes, good afternoon, I’m calling for Sister Rain. Sister, this is Jane Doe calling from Acme. You applied with us last week for a Marketing position and…
Corn Stalker
It’s a gray but unusually warm day here for Fall in Pennsylvania. Today I may have crossed a line in the job search world but it’s too late now. I mentioned the other day there is a company I would love to work for who has an opening that fits…
Feeling LOST Today
Rough day here. The Phillies are out of the postseason and will not be returning to the World Series. I’m also very down about the job search and its infinite impossibilities. The weekends are hard on me because there is very little I feel I can do when the work…
If An Engine Backfires In The Woods, Would A Meeting Planner Even Hear It?
Can someone please tell me how “Automobile Mechanic” gets on a list of open jobs that match my skills and interest that comes to me via email from an employment website?
Sister Rain, M.D. (Mess Doctor)
I have returned to helping my friend organize her house. She has some friends who are interested in my service so she’s let them know that my shingle is officially hung out. I still am pursuing my career in Meeting & Event Planning/Marketing Communications but I can do the organizing…
Inspiration In A Coffee Cup Sleeve
I LOVE COFFEE!!! Plain old coffee with a little cream and one Sweet’N Low is my daily drink but occasionally I love a treat of a Cafe Mocha or a Frappuccino. For some reason, my husband and I just can’t make decent coffee at home. We’ve tried using bottled water,…
Meow? Woof?
Hello Friends. I’m sorry I haven’t posted regularly lately. I don’t want to post just for the sake of posting, but I also make a conscious effort to write everyday. The problem is, there’s not much been going on in my Job Search World the last few weeks. Obviously, this…
It’s That Time Of The Season
I am a huge Philadelphia Phillies fan and they lost to the San Francisco Giants last night in Game 1 of a best-of-7 series. I am feeling down today, tired and achy. And bloated. And let’s not forget irritable. It’s not PMS, but PSM. I am a Post Season Mess.
I have been going to the same hair stylist since I was 16. I got a hair cut today and when I went into the salon, my hair stylist asked me what was new with the job search. I gave her the quick update which wasn’t hard since there is…
Crunch Time
When I was waking up this morning, in that land between sleep and awake, I realized that my abs were really hurting. In my drowsy state, I thought how glad I was that I could feel that pain because it must mean my working out was really paying off. Then…
The Only Similarity Is That We’re Both Women?
I am still fighting this cold that arrived 8 days ago. Let’s just say that I am not at the top of the podium in the winner’s circle in this battle. I am not feeling like myself which leads to the question: If I can’t feel like myself why can’t…
Death, Taxes And The Ocean
I have been away with my Mom for a long weekend trip to my beloved New Jersey shore for an Indian Summer Weekend festival. The weather was gorgeous! It was our last overnight trip to the beach for the year so today’s goodbyes were a little difficult. I stood at…
A Resume A Day Keeps The Doctor Away
My cold is better today and I am trying to make up for lost time. Doing wash, catching up on house chores, all the things I missed the last few days while laying in bed sleeping or blowing my nose. When you’re feeling that poorly, you really don’t even think….
Is There A Limit On This Pallet Of Tissues Coupon?
Over the weekend we bought a Costco-load of tissues and we were hysterical laughing when I put them in our bathroom closet. After last night’s all night Olympic Nose Blowing Events, which, by the way, I won the Gold Medal in all three categories of quantity, quality and distance (don’t…
Dear Husband, You Might Want To Fumigate The Mouse
My day consisted of the following: AchooZzzzzzzzzzzzzDrinkTry To SwallowPeeJob Search There are no PTO or sick days when your job is job searching.
The Second Time Around
Having a rough day Friends. I am battling the beginnings of a cold and it’s cold and rainy here today . . . again. I also am having computer troubles PLUS our beloved printer isn’t working and we cannot do anything to breathe life back into it. The good news…
Do You Take This Man . . . To Costco
Today is my wedding anniversary. I’ve been married for 18 years, having married at the same age as Laura Ingalls. My husband and I were at Starbuck’s this morning, sitting at a table making a list for Costco and planning our dinners for the week so we could do our…
Yes I Did Judge A Book By Its Cover
I haven’t even opened it yet but it had me at the title.
All I Can Do Is Keep Digging
Today we are having our carpets professionally cleaned. We have a wet vac, but it has failed to get the dirty areas clean and so has spot cleaning. A tip for you, if you ever buy carpeting — I realize hard wood is the preference these days — go black….
Why Did The Chicken Not Open Her Email?
I have always had this (some might say bizarre) thing where if I’m waiting to get an answer on something and the answer comes in a “package”, I procrastinate opening the package for a long time. By package I mean if it comes in an email or a voice mail…
Now I Lay Me Down To Job Search
It’s almost 11:30 p.m. and I came up to get ready for bed but wanted to finish a few job search emails. I’ve just sent them off and find myself looking through job sites — the same ones I looked through less than 12 hours ago. If wishing could make…
If You Accept This Mission . . . As If I Have A Choice
Another rainy gray day in Pennsylvania as far as weather goes but in other news, the Philadelphia Phillies are the National League East Champions for the 4th year in a row! Can I get a Woot-Woot!? I’m doing the job search today and hoping and praying that something breaks. It’s…
Word Of The Day: Bigfoot
Although one of the reasons I created this blog was to get myself to write everyday, the last thing I want to do is write for the sake of writing. The last few days have been filled with being busy with housework and other projects with the cream on the…
The Best Thing About The First Day Of Autumn
The season premiere of “The Big Bang Theory”.
A Profitable Sign
I just applied for a few new jobs and I also (drum roll please) have an interview tomorrow morning for a position I’ve been working with a recruiter on. On a recent flight for my JFH (Job From Hell) I sat next to a very nice lady who just took…
Sister Rain Is Falling Down, Falling Down, Falling Down
Today is honestly the first “quiet” day since I started the-job-that-sucked in early June that I am alone with my thoughts. I usually love these days but this one is hitting me hard. Now I am back to wondering what the Hell just happened with a little “Why? Why? Why?”…
Good Deed Of The Day . . . Maybe Even The Week
This morning I went to my local Hallmark store to purchase some cards. A lady, J, who works at this store was once my co-worker and she was there this morning with another lady also working. As I picked out my cards, I heard them laughing at the front of…
A Privilege And An Honor
I apologize for not staying in touch. Last week was filled with helping my husband with a project for his work and then on Friday and Saturday my husband’s family had a garage sale and we were there all day. Yesterday was a great day. My dear friend L is…
Hold On To Your Reality . . . With Both Hands
I certainly don’t want this blog to become continual entries of quotes but last week my friend J sent this to me and I have not been able to get it out of my head. “Things are going to change – that is their nature. One day you succeed, one…
Taking Time To Smell The Roses
I went to lay by the lake todayAnd I enjoyed the beautiful dayBlue skyWarm sunLight breeze I even noticed the feel of grass under my bare feetIt was a great day but not reality No dramaNo stressNo job That last one’s a problem
God Bless America
My husband and I visited Ground Zero six months after 9/11. I will never forget our trip there nor will any of us forget where we were that beautiful September morning when everything changed. This morning when I got up I thought I would blog about our experience visiting Ground…
PA Ink
These hotel pens are about the only thing I’ve got to show for my last 101 days in the worst job I’ve ever had. Tomorrow really is the first day of the rest of my life. At least I’ve got lots of pens to fill out lots of applications. If…
What Is Wrong With Me?
3 a.m. in the morning and I’m watching “Keeping up with the Kardashians” and “Real World”. Why am I worrying about a job I will be rid of in less than 38 hours?
Turning The Page
Today is the last day of our long Labor Day weekend at the New Jersey shore. We are headed home tomorrow. Tonight, after dinner, I did the job search on my work laptop. Truly, my laptop is one of the only things I will miss about my job. Oh, and…
The Last Hurrah? I Don’t Think So
I am down at the New Jersey Shore with my Mom and my husband for a long Labor Day weekend. Many consider this the end of shore visits until next summer, but my Mom and I will continue to visit in the fall and then we’ll be back in the…
Friday Before Labor Day Potpourri
I am doing the job search and some work work while listening to iTunes on my computer. I never think to play music while working at home but today I have it cranked and am singing along. Another small sign that I am coming out of the dark (Thank you…
Oh Where Oh Where Will I Wear You Again?
Today was spent going through my work computer files and emails in preparation for my last day next week. I also did the job search and spoke with a recruiter several times who has submitted me for two positions. Here’s hoping. I also am doing some wash. As I was…
A First For Me
I am back from the last business trip I will go on for my current employer and although I was in Ohio, if you ask me where I REALLY was I’d have to say Hell. The trip only solidified my decision to resign last week and I know without a…
Have It Your Way; Just Not In A Hotel
I am in Ohio for a few days for work. There are a total of 8 of us here from my company and after work today we were able to grab a free drink five minutes before the hotel’s complimentary happy hour was over. Then one of my coworkers wanted…
Probably Not Just A Sunday Drive
Saw this on my way to the airport today. Yes, that’s a chair. And yes, that’s 2 surfboards. And yes, it’s kind of weird.
Game Over
I quit the horrendous job today. No new job in place. It was that bad. 165 blog posts later —–> Searching for a New Job is a Full Time Job
Another Life Instruction
This morning I have a phone interview with the company I told you about on Tuesday. I know that potential employers can smell desperation just like a dog can smell fear, but that doesn’t change the fact that I am desperate. I just have to mask it with some type…
Tip Of The Day
Do not call your mother-in-law and ask her opinion of you quitting your horrendous job without another job lined up.
You’re Only A Day Away
Another day Friends and I was about to say I’m no closer to getting out of my awful job but I guess that isn’t true. Each new day brings new possibility. Today I made contact with a Human Resources person at a company that has an opening that has “Sister…
Today has been a busy day with work and other things I had to take care of. I had planned to do execute a full court press of calls to employment agencies to find a position I can take to get me out of the mess I find myself in….
A Rainy Sunday
A book is a forest. Open it. Step inside. Get lost. (Life’s Little Instructions Calendar Volume XV)
But Why?
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”— Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) (How cool is the name “Kierkegaard”?)
Where In The World Is Sister Rain?
I’m not sure exactly when the “finding yourself” period was for this country, but for Sister Rain it’s today. I am off the road for about 10 days and have a lot to do around my house and for work. But today I’ve got to set aside some time for…
Rainy Days and Mondays Always Disappoint Me
I am on the road once again and so far everything is going OK. I think all of us on my team are focused on the fact that tomorrow night we will be back home and off the road for about 10 days. I did a lot of work this…
Red and Yellow and Pink and Green . . .
My husband and I were watching the Phillies last night and catching up on our newspapers and he read that Captain Noah was the Grand Marshall of Night In Venice in Ocean City, New Jersey a few weeks ago. At the same time, without saying anything to each other, we…
Upside Down and Inside Out
I didn’t write yesterday because I was in a very bad place with the current job. I have decided, with my husband’s blessing, to try and find a job quickly that I can do in the interim until I find my “dream job” so that I can leave the terrible…
You Just Might Find, You Get What You Need
I arrived home around 8:30 tonight feeling worn out, abused and beat up. I did my unpacking and then went to the refrigerator to see what I could find to eat. And there, amidst the condiments, amidst the fruits and vegetables and milk and water, was a Tupperware cake carrier….
The Snap
Today the blow up with a co-worker came as I knew it probably would but I didn’t know when. I felt the snap somewhere inside me and words came out. I’m not proud of myself but I do feel some relief. There is only so much nastiness and negativity that…
When I am on the road I’m working very closely with people that I might not necessarily ever spend time with if it weren’t for my job. At the same time, I’m getting communication from my manager about more changing decisions and directions and more work. However, in the midst…
Small Whine, No Cheese
Monday night. On the road. Tired. Weary. Stuck. Over it. Done. I don’t want to whine, but I had to get it out.
Do You Take This TiVo? We Do.
My husband and I love TiVo. We’re on our second series and we will tell people, quite sincerely, that TiVo changed our life. (I first typed “saved” our life — that is a scary Freudian slip!) If you’ve not familiar with the DVR concept, which stands for Digital Video Recorder,…
Not The Book I Want To Write
It’s not a good sign when you’re in a bookstore on a beautiful Saturday afternoon and as you’re walking around you are chanting to yourself: “This is my real life. None of those people (I work with) matter. This is the real you. This job is only temporary.” Stop. Repeat…
Nurse Sweaty Betty
TO MY LOYAL READERS, I MAY CROSS A LINE HERE TODAY AND I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE. PROCEED WITH CAUTION: The company I work for performs specialized surgical procedures. I don’t want to say too much in the interest of anonymity . . . and saving my job until I find…
No Really, Take Your Time
I know the superstition about a black cat crossing your path, but what does it mean when a seagull takes its time and walks directly in front of you as if you have nothing better to do than wait for him while you sit in your car holding up traffic???…
Dear Astrological Gods:
What is going on please? This is the second day in a row, on a weekend no less, where you’ve sent me a horoscope having to do with the job search. Today’s read: “Finding a job that draws on your creative experience may be difficult. Take a position to pay…
Wishful Predicting
As I have mentioned previously, I get my horoscope delivered via text message to my phone every morning at 7:00 a.m. There are a few days when I have not received it, which of course leaves me to wonder if that’s a sign I should be concerned with. As if…
Mighty Fondant Of My Profession
My husband and I like to watch some of the shows on TLC, such as Cake Boss, and right now we are watching a show called “Fabulous Cakes” with this episode featuring bakeries in Philadelphia. These bakers, who are really artists, do amazing things with cakes and icing. And they…
July 27th
Yesterday was a milestone date for me. July 27th, 2007 was the last day I worked at the job I lost when my company shut down. I knew it was coming as July sped by and I must admit it came and went with little fanfare. I acknowledged it to…
I grew up and still live 40 miles outside of Philadelphia. Everyone in my family but me was born in Philadelphia. I visited frequently as a child and continue to do so as an adult. I LOVE: Ben Franklin, Ralph Archbold, Franklin Court, Elfreth’s Alley (I go to Deck The…
Living It Up In the Hotel Calif . . . Wait . . . Where Am I?
I am on the road so much any more that I am basically living out of a suitcase and not knowing what town I am in on any given day. I am living the life of a rock star. Without the pimped out bus. Without the guitar. Without the groupies….
I knew something was up when I heard the sound of a jet engine coming from the OTHER side of my hotel room door as I returned “home” tonight after another long, stressful day in this I’m-already-over-it-after-7-weeks job. I opened the door and the picture above is what I saw…
My Sources Say Yes
I was sitting watching TV last night, doing the job search on my company laptop (tee hee, tee hee) and I was finding no job opportunities. There have been no positions for several weeks now and it continues to be so frustrating and so discouraging. I was thinking how I…
I Can See Clearly Now, The Blur Is Gone . . .
Finally, the day has arrived. I got new contacts last night! You may be thinking: “Calm down, Sister Rain! It’s not like you won the lottery.” Oh, but I have. I’ve reached that age (and for those of you who have reached it also you will understand and for those…
Green Eggs and Job Search
I have always heard that the best time to search for a job is while you have one. True, you have some financial padding while you are working, but as the title of this blog suggests, searching for a job takes A LOT of time. So now I am juggling…
September in July
You may or may not watch American Idol. Either way, I’m guessing you’ve heard of Daughtry. I have been a fan since Chris Daughtry’s audition was shown on Idol, when he was wearing the straw cowboy hat. Even if I didn’t find him sexy (my husband is aware), I think…
Clicking My Heels Like Dorothy On Speed
I am the girl who never ever is ready to come home from a trip. Sure, in past positions, on a business trip, I’d get tired and need the kind of rest you can only get in your own bed in your own home. But normally, I love to travel…
This is my third night on the road and all I can think about is getting back home tomorrow. It is inconceivable that it’s only Wednesday night; it feels like I’ve been gone for 2 weeks! The hotels I stayed in the last two nights had no tub, just a…
Is This Gonna Show On My Hotel Bill?
There is something so inappropriate about sitting in a hotel room that the company is paying for, on a business trip, using the company laptop and the company wireless card, to search for a new job. And yet it gives me great pleasure. Is that wrong?
The Pearly Gates . . . Of Border’s???
When I was helping my friend organize her house, we went to the Container Store. I told her, and I was as serious as a heart attack, that this was my idea of Heaven. Rows and rows of hard bins, the smell of plastic in the air, BLISS! I’m going…
No Propofol, Just Friday
Good Morning Sunshine
This morning at the event I was working I asked a gentleman for his name and phone number at registration and he responded by saying: “Are you trying to sell me something already?” And this was the BEST part of my day . . .
Hello Friends. I promised to do better and post consistently so here I am. Tired, sweaty (yes the temp is still hovering around my goal weight) and discouraged. A job lead that looked good dried up this morning. I then spent 9 hours at an event, followed by an hour…
Lazy, Hot and Humid
Today it was 104 on our thermometer in the back yard. That’s my goal weight . . .
Don’t Job Search After You Eat Or You Will Get Cramps
I have been coming to the New Jersey shore long before Snooki or the Situation. Truth be told, I am old enough to be Snooki’s mother and at my Jersey shore a “situation” means your monthly visitor came early and you have to go to the drugstore for supplies. (Sorry…
Happy Birthday America!
As I’ve mentioned in previous blog entries, I love this country and I love that its birthplace is right down the road from my home. My new company is headquartered in Florida. I was given a laptop for work, and for security and bookkeeping purposes, every laptop issued has a…
I knew that when I got the new job and started immediately, with only 5 days between the offer acceptance and my start date, that I was returning to the work force in a rocket ship. But I don’t think I realized the impact of that on me until today….
Sing Like No One Is Listening . . . Except Your Mom
I am SO SORRY I haven’t written in a few days. It’s unacceptable to me and I apologize. This new job has taken over my life and I am struggling to not only stay afloat, but awake! I follow blogs myself and it aggravates me when they are not updated….
The Best Part Of Waking Up
I am going to be a Road Warrior over the next month for my job. I’ll be travelling a lot throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey and other spots in the area. It’s quite a change from the months I spent in my house, in my home office, scrolling through employment…
Hail No
It hailed today. We had a bad storm and it thundered and lightninged and was dark as night at 3:30 p.m. A storms-a-brewing inside me too. This new job is barely tolerable. If you’re a frequent reader you know how hard I prayed for a job. I needed a job…
Neither Paper Nor Plastic
This morning I had to go into my office for more training. There are a lot of details in this job so it’s going to take a few months to learn everything I need to know. I was following several school buses this morning on my drive and something struck…
Paycheck and We’re Not Talking Johnny
Well, today I received my first paycheck in almost three years. (I don’t count unemployment compensation.) It was anti-climatic I am sorry to say, maybe because I’ve been working so hard to earn it these past few weeks. But it is a big deal and no small feat. It represents…
If It Smells Like A Westin, It’s A Westin
I spent last week in a Westin hotel and tonight I am in a Westin as well. I can totally understand when musicians say they don’t know what town they’re in every night. My hotel room from last week is 1,300 miles from this Westin tonight but the rooms look…
Just Not Sure
Sorry I didn’t post yesterday. Things have been a little crazy. In my new job we do about 10 events a month and we are now in the process of booking the August events. I’m learning the ropes and how my new company does things. Obviously I’ve managed events before…
Oh How The Fallen Have Become Mighty
I worked from home today. Later in the week I’m headed to Providence, RI. Today I did a little job searching. I guess I’m not able to just stop like I thought I was. I saw two positions this morning that seem to have been posted forever, plus they are…
The Clouds Beneath My Wings
It’s Saturday morning and I can’t sleep so I’m on the computer catching up on some things from being away. I thought I’d sleep in this morning after my long week away but as we all know, when you can sleep in you can’t but Monday morning when the alarm…
Some Down Home Take Out
I am back home after a week in Tampa at my new company’s headquarters. As you saw in yesterday’s post, I was eating $23 entrees while I was away. Tonight’s dinner is shown above. Per diem is nice but per mi casa is better . . .
Per Diem
This is what I had for dinner tonight. Flounder stuffed with crab meat. Since my flight lands in Philly tomorrow around 5 p.m., dinner will most likely be takeout on the way home. A far cry from a $26 entree. I wonder how many chicken nuggets you can get for…
It’s All Coming Back To Me Now
I just had dinner in the hotel restaurant. I then got on the elevator to return to my room and a couple got on after me. I asked them which floor they wanted since I was closest to the buttons and they told me. I had a hard time finding…
Carrie On
Since I am alone in the evenings during my trip to Tampa, I ventured over to a local mall tonight to see Sex and the City 2. I am a fan of the show and the first movie and even though the critics were not kind to this latest installment,…
Toto, We Are Not In Pennsylvania Anymore
I have seen palm trees before but I am always amazed by them. They are so foreign to my normal existence and yet so common in so many parts of the world. I am right on Tampa Bay and my hotel is surrounded by water. It’s beautiful here and after…
Wish Granted
It has been a long long time since I’ve been on a plane and I love to travel and fly. Today, I returned to the friendly skies. I can’t imagine being above the clouds and not believing in a Higher Power of some sort. Today I received a wish that…
Please Stay In Your Seat Until The Ride Comes To A Complete Stop
I am home today Friends, trying to get ready for my trip next week and a seminar tomorrow. It’s so strange to be sitting here writing this blog, like I have for months, in the same physical space, but in a very different mental space. The focus of my day…
Gobble, Gobble
My new job is a combination of two great things — travel and working from home. I hit the ground running this week, or I should say I hit the Schuylkill Expressway in bumper-to-bumper traffic, and have attended two events in the last 30 hours. Tomorrow is a work at…
Hi Ho Hi Ho
It’s off to work I went. I apologize Friends, but things are a little crazy these next few days. I will try to keep writing everyday but it may be at odd hours. I promise to fill you in more on my new job and the days leading up to…
I Am Now Free To Move About The Country
I am sorry if I seem evasive about my new job, it’s just until everything is officially official, I don’t want to say too much. But things are moving along at a good clip and my official start date is tomorrow. I’ve been shuttling back and forth to the office…
Happy Memorial Day
When I see a Service person in the airport or anywhere for that matter, I walk up to them, extend my hand, look them in the eye and say “Thank you for your service”. I’ve found that most of the time they are at first surprised and then they are…
Is It Still A Search If You’re Searching For It Not To Be There?
For the past almost 3 years I have spent hours every day looking for job postings. This morning I looked to NOT see one. I went on my new company’s web site a few minutes ago and the job is no longer posted. The ‘For Sale’ sign has been taken…
Reset To Zero
I was offered a job on Tuesday, I’ve accepted the offer and I will start work next week. As of today, it has been 1,035 days since my last day of work at my previous employer. That’s 2 years and 10 months. 148 weeks 24,840 hours 1,490,400 minutes 89,424,000 seconds…
A Most Blessed Event
After much nauseabloatingnestingdiarrheafatiguefearbackachesheadachescrampingcravingspanicgruntingsweatingscreamingbeggingcursingexhaustion and praying . . . IT’S A JOB!!!
This is a big day for me and my blog. This is my 100th post. When I started this blog it was cold and snowy and I was not working. 100 blogs later, it’s warm and humid and green and I am not working. I want to thank you for…
Do Not Open That Umbrella In Here!
While leaving the house at 6:30 a.m. for the garage sale, I saw a black cat in the alley as soon as I pulled out of the garage. I chanted in my head — at least I think it was in my head — “Don’t walk in front of me….
When The Usual Becomes Unusual
Remember I told you I’m helping my friend organize her house? That project is still going on and I am over there about 8 hours a week. We’re making great progress but there are still rooms to declutter. Even though this is a friend, I am treating it seriously and…
Look Out Confucius, There’s Another Philosopher In Town
A rainy, dreary Election Day here in eastern Pennsylvania. I am spending the day at home, making vegetable soup and doing the job search and following up on jobs I applied for last week. I did land an interview this morning. It will take place on Thursday afternoon. It’s a…
Run Teddy Run!
Mt. Rushmore is like porn to me. WAIT! DON’T EXIT THIS BLOG! GIVE ME A CHANCE TO EXPLAIN! I love our Founding Fathers and our early Presidents! LOVE THEM! The Washington Nationals are a professional baseball team in Washington, DC. At each home game, a promotional event called The Presidents’…
Beautiful Saturday here in Pennsylvania. The husband is doing yard work and beginning to bring bins down from our attic for a garage sale we are having with his family next weekend. I am doing wash and just did some job search related work: follow-ups, applied for a few new…
As I’ve mentioned before, I love history as it relates to the birth of our country and I am so grateful that I live so close to where it all began — Philadelphia. I have visited all the historic sites there many times as well as in Boston and other…
I am not fanatical about it, but I do enjoy reading my horoscope. I have gotten my daily horoscope delivered by text message to my phone at 7:00 AM every day for years. I don’t put much stock in them unless they’re good news of course. I also like to…
Did These Pants Shrink In The Wash?
More frustration this week in the job search and it’s only Wednesday. As I had mentioned, I had an interview last Friday afternoon. It went well but I am forever thinking my interviews have gone well and then not being offered the job. It’s like going on a blind date…
Up Close and Personal
Yesterday I dropped of my resume at a local company who has a position open I am interested in. Ever careful to follow the rules, I applied online first but figured it couldn’t hurt to drop by in person. You must realize that I am a ponytail and baseball cap…
Dude, Where’s My Car?
Happy Mother’s Day to all my readers! I hope you had a great day. My day is starting out a bit out of sorts. First of all, I went to get into my car this morning only to find my car wasn’t in the garage — I had parked out…
My Own Personal Thanksgiving
Today is my birthday. The start of a new year for me. The start of whatever my 29th year will bring. (Do I hear laughing?) But more than my birthday, it’s turning into a day of thanks for me. Messages have been coming into my BlackBerry from my friends wishing…
A Fork in the Road
I’ve got some activity in the ole job search Friends. I was hesitant to post this for fear of jinxing things or for fear of my getting too excited, but I will try and remain as Switzerland, neutral. This blog is about the job search so how can I not…
I’m Hoping For Love At First Sight
I applied for three jobs today. My plan is to follow up tomorrow with phone calls. All three of the jobs are exactly what I’m looking for. And I am exactly what they are looking for. I sound like a desperate woman looking for love on some online dating service…
Hermana Y Hermana
I have a birthday coming up this week. I tried to cancel it, due to lack of interest, but apparently I’m the only one who isn’t interested. I had dinner with one of my oldest (meaning longest) and closest friends tonight. I don’t even think of her as my friend…
Déjà Poo
When you create an online blog, you are asked in your Setup if the blog will contain “Adult Content”. If you choose “Yes”, viewers of your blog will see a warning message and will be asked to confirm that they want to proceed to your blog. I chose “No” when…
E = Enough
I play a dangerous game and it’s called ‘Letting The Gas Tank In My Car Go WAY Below E’. Today, I played that game again and I’m not gonna lie, I got a rush from it. I am proud to say that as long as I’ve been playing this game,…
Count Your Curses Today For Tomorrow They May Become Blessings
My curse in life of late is that I love to travel and I’m not able to. It seems that everyone I know is either going on a trip in the next few weeks or has just returned from one. It’s been so long since I’ve flown my bags flew…
You Don’t Es-say
It has been YEARS since I was last told to stop writing and put my pencil down, #2 of course, and turn in my paper. Until yesterday that is. Once again, in this crazy yet necessary job search I am on, I was surprised to find an entirely new application…
It’s The Law!
I’m just finishing up the job search for today. Since I found out I was losing my job, I have kept a notebook for the job search. In there, I log every job I apply for. I was just scanning my list and I could see that this month, April,…
Please Make Sure That Your Seatback Is In An Upright Position
Other people in my life might disagree, and I don’t really want to know if they do, but I don’t think I’m overly dramatic. Consider that my disclaimer please. I said something to my husband over the weekend that has been on my mind for a long time now. I…
Keeping A Clutter-Free Mind
I started a new project this week, one that is NOT taking place in my house for a change. A friend of mine has been telling me for a long time now that she thinks I should start my own Organizing company. You know, de-cluttering and organizing. I did the…
Last night we watched a show about Benjamin Franklin and his inventions. I’m sort of a history geek, especially when it comes to our country’s beginnings and the role that Pennsylvania and Philadelphia played in it. Ben’s (yes I feel as though I can call him “Ben”) contributions to the…
Part-Time + $200,000 = EMAIL ME!!!
I heard on the radio today that Danielle Steel’s assistant is going to prison for extortion; stealing from the beloved author. The position was a part-time position and paid $200,000!!! WHERE DO I APPLY? No matter that Ms. Steel lives in San Francisco and I live in Pennsylvania. I love…
The Only Thing To Fear Is . . . Well . . . Fear
Somehow in the last few weeks I have been able to somewhat distance myself mentally from the despair that is my job search. I have never been one with the ability to “push it down” when strong emotions take over. I don’t know whether it’s been the fact that there…
Gray Matter
If you’ve ever filled out an online application for a job, you know the questions to expect while applying for a position. Normally with these online applications, there are questions they require you answer and some that are optional. I have no intention of moving at this point in my…
What Would Dick Button Say?
I just finished doing the long job search and there are 4 opportunities I am applying for. It’s almost like I’ve hit the lottery to have all these postings printed out. Answering these postings is going to take some time. I never know what the application process will be for…
Take Me Out To The Ball Game
OK, true confession time Friends. Today, I called in sick from the job search. I can honestly say this is one of the very few times that I let myself relax about the job search for most of the day. Weekends, holidays, even if we’ve done a bit of travelling,…
What Was That Noise?
I applied for two jobs this morning after a few days of no new opportunities. There’s been more activity than usual over the last six weeks and yet no one has called me to pursue any of these openings. Not only that, but I have not received acknowledgement of any…
I Could Use Some Time Off — Ironic, Isn’t It?
One very important lesson I’ve learned while being off from work is that when you are working full-time you really do have to cut yourself some slack. I am home everyday and still can’t get everything done around my home even though I am on the go all day. I…
A Gimme
Once in awhile, a gift arrives on your doorstep — or in this case, my inbox — and you don’t expect it. I am signed up with several employment web sites to receive emails when new jobs are posted that match my skills and interests. Most times, to be honest,…
“Apply Now” (If You Can)
On Monday I found a job I was very interested in on an employment web site. In order to apply for the position, you had to go to the employer’s corporate web site. I had applied for another position at this company a year or so ago and so I…
It Has Come To This
I am doing the job search and saw the following in a posting: “Exciting opportunity for the right individual.” What I thought it said was: “Exciting opportunity for a right-handed individual.” Professional help? Anyone?
A Revelation
It is 90 degrees here in Eastern Pennsylvania today. I’m beginning to think this whole job search endeavor has been for naught as it seems the world just might be coming to an end. For it to be this temperature the first week of April is really an anomaly. They…
Spring Has Sprung
I just finished doing the job search, the second one in less than 24 hours. Yesterday I found a few jobs I’m going to apply for and then there was another one today. I’m going to tackle those next. It is almost 80 degrees here today which is crazy for…
President & CEO As Well As Chief Bottle Washer
I spent the Easter weekend at the New Jersey shore with my mom. We had a great time and we got home a few hours ago. As soon as the car was unpacked, I came straight to my office. Just like returning to a “real” job after a few days…
Easter Weekend
A new month of doing the job search yesterday and I kicked off April by doing my long search. Unfortunately, I found no positions to apply for. I’m not sure what’s going on; I had a good run in March with more jobs than I’ve seen in a long time….
An Oldie But A Goodie
Today’s blog entry was going to be about how I was hired for the position of my dreams this morning and I start a week from Monday. And then, of course, I would end with APRIL FOOLS! Well, I just can’t do it. There’s not much in life that I…
In Like A Lion
Today is the last day of March so I am finally starting to relax a little in the assumption that winter is behind us for another seven months or so. What I can’t relax about is the job search. I did it this afternoon and there was nothing new. When…
One of the last projects I’ve had to do while I’m not working has been hanging over my head like the giant rain cloud that has positioned itself over Pennsylvania these days. WE ARE NOT SEATTLE — GO WEST OH DARK RAINCLOUD!!! Sorry. I’m back. The project I am finally…
I Love My Car
I applied for a job over the weekend, so that makes it a little easier to discover no new leads this morning. Not really but I’m trying to stay positive once again at the beginning of a new week. I’ve applied for ten jobs this month which is a huge…
Come On 7!
I was doing the job search this morning and realized that as I scrolled through the postings I was holding my breath, literally, searching for a job that looked like me. I realized I have done this before, held my breath, waiting for something to happen that would finish in…
I’m Gonna Need A Spotter Here!
I did my long job search today and found no new job leads. I was feeling so positive last week and the beginning of this week because there were opportunities I was able to pursue. And now there has been nothing new the last few days. I have a friend…
Feedback Schmeedback
I was doing my job search this morning and was on a well known employment web site. I was at the bottom of the page and was about to click on “next page” when I noticed an odd question. It read: Are you satisfied with the jobs on this page?…
Make New Skills But Keep The Old
In an interview a few months ago, the Human Resources Manager asked me what I had been doing during the time I’ve been out of work to maintain my skills. This is probably a valid question, but I initially found it insulting. Just because I’m not working does not mean…
Everything Old Is New Again
We had a beautiful weekend here in Pennsylvania. It’s only March so you can’t trust that winter is truly over, but it was nice to have a few warm (in the 70s), sunny days. I did the job search this morning and I found another lead. Once again, to apply…
A Danger To Myself and Technology Around Me
Yesterday while doing the job search, our mouse finally stopped working. It had died a slow death, and then finally moved its last cursor. We had a brand new mouse here so I didn’t have to run out and buy a new one and this new mouse, in the words…
Put Me In, Coach!
Yesterday I told you that I had found a job I wanted to apply for and that it required that I send writing samples with my resume via email. I tried several times but kept receiving an immediate email back saying my email could not be sent. I attempted to…
This Is Personal
I found 2 job openings today that I’m going to apply for. I’m not going to be so crazy as to say things are improving, just let the record show that this is three jobs in two days that match my skills, experience and interests. One of the positions requires…
My husband’s grandmother passed away a few weeks ago and today he and I spent the day at her house helping his family clean out and up her house so it can be put on the market for sale. Obviously, if I were working, I probably could not have taken…
Isn’t It Ironic?
Last night I dreamed I was working and managing a National Sales Meeting. The meeting wasn’t one I had actually done in the past but there were some people at the meeting I had worked with in two different companies. Things were going well in my dream and it didn’t…
The Corner Office With All The Windows Will Do Fine
I have been on hold with Pennsylvania Unemployment this afternoon for 38 minutes so far. While on hold, there is a mix of music and announcements being made. Most of the announcements are about tax forms having been mailed out for 2009 or places to go on the web for…
My Thoughts Exactly
I was doing my long job search this morning and was looking for openings at a company I am very interested in working for. They don’t post available jobs on their company website but use an employment website. I went on this site, entered the company’s name and the picture…
Give Me A Ring Sometime
Last week I had some medical tests done and I’ve been waiting for a call from my doctor’s office with the results. They finally called today and I got to thinking. How much of our life do we spend waiting for the phone to ring? I remember as a child…
Blogkeeping News
I’d like to invite all of you to post comments on my blog. I’ve created a comment section and would love to hear from you. If you click on an individual post by clicking on the title of that post, you will see at the bottom of the post an…
Be Careful What You Wish For
Remember yesterday I said I applied for a job that I found online and that after sending my resume and cover letter in via an online application, I would wait and wait and wait (in the words of Buzz Lightyear) to “Infinity and Beyond”? Turns out I was wrong. Last…
Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain
Monday. A new week. I found one new job lead this morning to which I will apply. And wait. And then I’ll wait some more. And then there will be additional waiting. This is my life. I’ve decided to digress on this blog entry. I try hard to keep this…
A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes
I can’t believe it’s Friday again and another week has come and gone. Another week of no new job leads. I keep wondering how long this can go on, how long can I hold out until circumstances force me to take any job I can get versus a job in…
Amen Sister!
I did the long job search last night after dinner and again, there were no new leads. I did the short search today, which I do every day and again, there were no new leads. I was feeling really down last night and was instant messaging with one of my…
Return to the Scene of the Crime
As I mentioned in a prior post, I had worked for a company for 12 years and this company was 2 1/2 miles from my home. Then, I went to work for another company, the one that would shut down after I was there for 18 months, and this company…
Letter to Sen. Jim Bunning
Dear Jim: Ordinarily, I would not start a letter to a Senator by using their first name, but since you think you know me so well, I figured I would, could and should return in kind. You see, Jim, I am unemployed and I understand that you are standing in…
Curb Your Enthusiasm
It’s been a busy Monday so far and now I’m doing the job search. I thought I’d take a break and blog. Writing this blog is a break for me. It forces me to stop and take stock of not only my job search, but life in general. And then…
Taking Chance
Watched a movie I’ve been wanting to see for awhile last night: Taking Chance is the remarkable true story of one soldier’s death and a nation’s reverence and gratitude towards its war dead. After hearing of the heroic death of a young marine in Iraq, veteran officer Lt. Colonel Michael…
Me and Phil’s Shadow
I was thinking last night how anymore my days seem to be the same day over and over. I know we all have this, what with work and family responsibilities, but sometimes it’s even more than a rut or routine. It’s really like the movie with Bill Murray, “Groundhog Day”….
Heavy Sigh
I was going to call this blog entry “Sigh” but I had to upgrade. For several reasons. First of all, it’s snowing again here. The forecast was originally 12″-18″ but now it’s been downgraded to 6″-10″. In this case, I’m not sure that size even matters. It’s snowing again, just…
You’re Going To Hollywood!
I was watching American Idol last night and thinking about all the people who audition for the show each season. They say the number is somewhere around 100,000 each year, for one coveted spot, to be named this year’s American Idol. Wouldn’t it be great if they could do job…
As you may be aware, Winter weather has been harsh here and last night we had snow and ice once again. I don’t pretend to be fooled by the calendar flipping to March next week; anything can happen in March in Pennsylvania and it usually does. All of us in…
My Weakness Is I Have No Weaknesses
If you’ve ever been on a job interview, you know they ask you what your strengths are which is usually a pretty easy question to answer. Of course, you need to focus on your professional strengths first and foremost but it’s also good to throw in a few personal strengths…
When I began this blog I used a basic template and swore to myself that I would keep things simple. This blog was an outlet for my feelings during this crazy job search and since I love to write, this was a perfect venue. However, now that a month has…
Friday Potpourri
Things have been dark and stormy in my life the last few weeks and if I need a break, I’m guessing the readers of my blog might need one too. So here are some miscellaneous thoughts, a virtual Friday potpourri: Is there anybody more fun to watch than Shaun White?…
Dude Looks Like A Lady
I say that this blog is about the roller coaster ride that is searching for a new job and today I once again reached the top of the hill on that roller coaster and nearly threw up. My hands were sweaty, yet ice cold, and the tears in my eyes…
I am not one of those lucky people who feels endorphins racing through them after exercise. I think when God was giving out endorphins, He skipped me. I have noticed though, that I get a mental clarity during exercise and it sort of lines things up in my mind that…
The Heart Prevails
I used to be fearless. What I mean by that is I had a certain confidence in myself and my abilities and in life in general. I had had some difficulties in my life, but nothing more than any other person. But in the past, before I lost my job,…
Imagine “Mission Impossible” Theme Song Playing While You Read This Entry
I love Tom Cruise as much as the next girl, but the point of the picture is to show you what it feels like to be searching for a job. Barely hanging on and all that the picture implies. And now that I’ve used Tom Cruise to get your attention,…
We Interrupt This Blog To Bring You This Public Service Announcement
I have just become aware of an item that is going to change my life and I am writing this blog entry for all those people in the throes of winter who were also, until now, unawares. I have a hard time wearing mittens or gloves because I can’t seem…
I live about 2 hours from Atlantic City. In my past life, when I had a job and some extra cash, my husband and I would go to Atlantic City for the day and take a certain amount of money to gamble with and when it was gone, we’d leave….
The Aftermath
Many companies were still closed today, allowing everyone to dig out from the 1-2′ of snow we all received. Once again, our day of being snowbound yesterday was balanced out, unfairly in my opinion, by all the shoveling that had to occur today. But we did it and spent the…
Lots Of Snow, But No Plan
I live about 40 miles from Center City Philadelphia and the entire area is paralyzed by this latest snowstorm. It is such an odd feeling on a Wednesday to know that everyone I know and love is home waiting out the storm. It’s like a holiday except everyone is not…
A Little Lighter
I’ve been wearing my hair longer than usual since I’ve been out of work because it’s easier to just put it up in a ponytail and go. It’s been so nice to not have to worry about doing my hair, put on make-up or wear work clothes. Again, it’s not…
Did ya see the commercial for during the Super Bowl? A BEAVER GETS A JOB AS A VIOLINIST using!!! Every single person at the party I was at gave me the hairy eyeball seeming to say, “Geez, a rodent with a funky flat tail and bad teeth can…
I Placate Myself
This is my backyard yesterday. Yesterday we hunkered down and watched the snow out our windows and the local news stations on TV report on the storm; we enjoyed being house-bound. Today was the punishment for that crime. My husband and I spent the morning outside shoveling snow. We dug…
Walk The Walk
We are expecting a snow storm tonight into tomorrow. At first it was sounding like a big one, but now it’s been downgraded a bit. I guess we won’t know until the last flake falls (say that 10 times fast). In preparation, everyone in the area’s been buying groceries and…
I Can’t Give Up
Today was another bankrupt day in the Bank of Employment. Not one lead. I really and truly thought that once the holidays were over there would be more opportunities. I continue to hear the state of the country and the unemployment percentages. I know in my head that things are…
Again, no new job leads today. I am trying so hard to stay positive but it’s a minute-to-minute struggle at times. I don’t know what else to do. That’s the job update for today or lack thereof. I want to tell you about Margie. Margie is someone I met over…
Help A Sister Out
A few days ago we had Chinese food, and my fortune read: “The problems of today will be buried by the sands of time.” I have always been a sucker for motivational, inspirational quotes although I have become cynical these last few years. But upon first reading the fortune, my…
This Is It
I am giving myself a little break today from the job search. What I mean is that I’m just checking a few sites, with the hope that tomorrow I can hit them all with some sense of renewal. In the meantime, I am doing wash and undecorating my house from…
46,000 = ZERO
A few weeks ago I received an email from an airline company (I will take the high road and not name them) indicating that I had forfeited over 46,000 frequent flier miles because I have not flown with them in 18 months. They indicated the miles could be reinstated in…
Ugh! I am so discouraged again (. . . yet . . . still . . .) with the job search. Today I found two new leads; the first was posted anonymously which means I can’t contact them directly or follow-up with them. The second job I contacted the employer…
Mommy & Me
My Mom and I have always been close. We live about 3 miles apart and talk at least once a day on the phone. We really have a great time together and always seem to be laughing. Since I’ve been not working, we’ve spent most Wednesday mornings together. We usually…
It Is What It Is
I am sorry to say I have nothing new to report. There were no new job leads again today. I must apologize because this does not make this blog very exciting. But what I hope it does is shed some light on the job search and how hard it is….
Pouring and Buckets and Guilt – No Lie!
I’m not going to lie to you — today has been crap. Here in Pennsylvania, it has been raining hard (we call it “pouring”) and windy and dark and dreary. I live in a house that is 70+ years old. It is a brick house, much like the song, so…
Say What?
It’s 11:20 p.m. on a Saturday night and I’ve been working on my job search for the last hour. I received a listing of companies in the area and am checking all their websites for career opportunities. I’m gonna quit now. I figured it was best when I thought the…
The World Is Not Flat
I have taken this new blog out for a spin over the last week and have decided I am unhappy with the title. I originally named this blog “Being UNEMPLOYED is a Full Time Job” but I’ve decided the word “Unemployed” does not define me or this blog. As much…
A Blip
Today I attended a luncheon with 20 or so seniors. They were a lively bunch and very engaged in the world and each other. There was a couple there who are celebrating their 66th year of marriage today. I have many years to live until I reach their age (God…
Blurry Vision
I really mean it when I say searching for a new job is a roller coaster ride. The week started with three viable leads and then yesterday and today’s searches have left me with no new options. I am trying to stay positive. I am trying to keep my nose…
Blood Type
Today I applied for three positions I found online. All three of them required that I fill out an online application which can be very tedious depending on the employer’s requirements. I worked through the first two without issue, then ran into something new when starting the third. As I…
The City That Never Sleeps But Always Inspires
I spent Saturday in New York City and one of my stops was the 86th Floor Observation Deck of the Empire State Building. I found myself looking down: — at a city that has been through so much. Not only has it survived, it thrives. — at the Hudson River…
I find it interesting that even though I don’t currently have a job and am not, per se, “Working for the Weekend”, Fridays still have a different feel to them. The worries and stress of searching for a new job dim slightly and the idea that next week might be…
Putting It Out There
It may turn you away if I admit from the get-go that I got this idea from watching Ugly Betty last night. And I was not deterred in the least when Mark told her having her own blog was “so 2 years ago”. The fact is that I am tired…