After a wonderful birthday weekend, it is Monday morning and I am home today. My company calls this a “rest day” and you are entitled to one when you work during the weekend.
Being home is reminiscent of all the days when I was home unemployed but without all the terrible worry and pressure of finding a job. I am doing some wash and tidying up after being away all last week for work. I find myself thinking I need to do the job search, a day like this so ingrained to be an unemployed day. But those days of that stress are over, filled in by new stresses that a job brings, but nothing so dire or important as finding a job.
On Saturday when I blew out my candles, I honestly had to think very hard what my wish would be after constantly having the same wish — to find a job. What a strange moment that was.
Life has been good all weekend and continues to be good today. A new year of life is starting for me and three days in, I am healthy, my loved ones are healthy and I am employed.
Looks like all my wishes have come true.