I never had a sister who I shared clothes with. I have traded books and recipes with friends over the years and now I ask them to lend me their vision. My husband is color blind and so I must outsource this particular activity..I have gotten help organizing my clothes and tagging them so I know what color they are and have sent friends pictures of shower curtains, area rugs and lamp shades, asking them to tell me just what it is I am considering for purchase.
I have an app on my phone that’s supposed to identify color but it tends to tell me everything is “pale purplish gray”. I also have an electronic color identifier which works a lot better than the app but sometimes it too is off the mark. I have th e excuse of my poor vision but no woman wants to leave the house mismatched and clashed nor does she want her husband to do the same. Even though I can’t see colors, his appearance is still a reflection on me.
And so sometimes I ask my friends if I can “borrow your eyes”. They are always more than willing and I’m sure they’re always wondering just what it is I am going to pull out of my bag for color clarification.
We may be different sizes and have our own individual styles, but when it comes to vision, I want to look exactly like them.