In December while traveling to the Washington, DC area, my husband and I went across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (not to be confused with the tunnel). I thought about the places Mister Rain and I have been in the last few years. The water beneath us, I realized, is the same water surrounding Nantucket, Ocean City, New Jersey and Long Island, as well as making up Puget Sound. We had been on or in all these bodies of water in the last 24 months, the trip to the Seattle area was just a few weeks prior.
We all have looked at maps and been immediately able to identify the water’s blue color, more prevalent than the detached shapes representing land. You can easily see that the earth is over 70% water. It is a different perspective when you have touched that water on both coasts in a relatively short time span, you are faced with the consideration of how it is all connected. It is fascinating. I felt very appreciative on that bridge. Travel for pleasure has always been a passion of mine, for many years it was a large part of my professional life as well. Then I suddenly lost my vision. The suitcases sat dormant for five years, a single road trip took place, they waited some more. Slowly but surely they were put to use again, post the height of COVID we have kept the toiletry bag stocked and ready to go. Sight or little sight, this is who I am. The upward tug of the collapsed suitcase handle, the snap as it is locked into its full length, the feel of my fingers curled around that handle, that, ironically is home to me.
When my optic nerves became damaged the disconnect that caused was far greater than just the communication between my eyes and my brain. It created a separation from the things that are not just a part of me but actually me. I am not telling this story to brag about where I have been. I understand that travel is expensive, I know how fortunate I am. I experience a profound sense of gratitude wherever I go. My point is that like that one drop of rain that becomes part of Puget and Long Island Sounds, that one globule of connection to yourself can go a very long way. I know of what I speak, they don’t call me Sister Rain for nothing.
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter #blindnessisaspectrum #opticneuropathy #visuallyimpaired #blind #nantucketma #oceancitynj #setauketlongislandny #seattlewa #connectingthedrops