At my recent annual visit with my neuro-ophthalmologist at Wills Eye Hospital, even I could see the thickness of my file as it lay on the desk while a technician did my initial examination. It made me wonder: would you rather have a thin or thick folder? Immediately you would think that a file full of papers would indicate a more serious condition, a dire situation. But then again, it could be packed with good stuff too, treatments, testing to get to the bottom of the issue, to find a cure. In my case, it is all of the above, and I quickly decided there in the room that I consider that bulging file a badge of honor. When you wake up blind without warning, there are no medals handed out. I will take any symbolic trophies that I can get.
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter #blindnessisaspectrum #opticneuropathy #visuallyimpaired #blind #willseyehospital #doesthisfilemakemyeyeslookbig