As you would probably imagine, I have most of the visual accessibility features turned on on my iPhone and iPad, the most obvious the large font. I was on a plane recently and being in such close quarters made me think about how someone with full sight could easily read my screen from a bit of a distance. “Nothing to see here, folks.” – A possible name for my memoir.
A few days later while my husband was driving us to a venue where we would be experiencing a once in a lifetime opportunity (stay tuned), I texted J, my 30+ years more family than friend till the end, “I’m going to vomit.” As we exited the elevator into the outdoor patio, we followed the people also in the lift with us around the corner to a door taking us back inside. There a woman asked for my phone in order to scan our tickets. I didn’t see it, but once we had moved a few steps forward, Mister Rain told me that “Don’t vomit!” had come up on my screen just as the stadium associate was holding my device under the machine, in all their large font glory.
I never did vomit, instead I had one of the best days of my life. And every time I think about it, I will recall some very important advice from my very smart friend. DON’T VOMIT! Perhaps the best title of my biography yet.
#sisterrain#alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter s#blindnessisaspectrum #opticneuropathy #visuallyimpaired #blind #nothingtoseeherefolks #dontvomit