In the years that my husband has been researching our ancestors, we have become intimately acquainted with old cemeteries and genealogy organizations. We have made several trips to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in downtown Philadelphia, it being our first foray into a place like this. Part library, research, educational, genealogy, museum: it is serious business. We knew we were about to experience something unique to us when we read the rules and protocol on their website. You cannot take bags or jackets into the research area, no pens, only pencils. Phones, iPads and laptops are permitted but if they are in a case they will be searched when you leave the library, as was Mister Rain’s binder. White gloves are required to handle some materials. There are lockers in the lobby to store all your no-no items.
As I was unable to see any of the documents, I waited in the inviting, comfortable inner seating area, doing all the things you do on your device until you finally notice the time and wonder, “Just what have I been doing?” While I melted into one of their couches, my husband found a book on my maternal grandfather’s branch of the family tree that showed my peeps came from South Wales to Philadelphia in the 1600’s. Sister Rain is practically a pilgrim! It was this bound volume that also provided the key to the door Mister Rain had ben trying to open for ten years. (Full story coming in future posts.)
During our inaugural visit, a gentleman at the reference desk told us that all you need is one nugget to break your quest wide open. He was right. And I cannot help but to feel that the Historical Society of Pennsylvania is a little nugget too. For once you discover it, history not only waits for you, it greets you at the door. Wearing white gloves.
To be continued . . .
“The Search Heard Round The World”
“The Son-In-Law Of Liberty”
“This Colonel Is My Truth”
“Family Rarelooms”
“Coat Tales”
“Proving My DNA To The DAR”
“Becoming A Daughter In My Fifties”
“My 5x Great-Grandfather Is An Exhibitionist”
“Certifiably Framed”
“Valley Forging Our Bond”
“Over The River And Through The Woods To My 5x Great-Grandfather’s Tavern I Go“
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter #ushistory #philadelphiapennsylvania #historicalsocietyofpennsylvania