It’s Municipal Election Day and as I returned home from voting I thought about all the people working at the polls and everyone taking time from their busy lives to make their choices known and to help shape the community in which they live. And I wondered: How many of these people cast votes for others but not themselves?
Everyone’s hectic schedules don’t allow for horn tooting but that’s not what I’m talking about. What I am referring to is a conscious effort to have faith and trust in ourselves to make a change, to make a difference in our own lives. We support those running for office by showing up to fire houses, schools and churches on a Tuesday but we often don’t show up for ourselves. And although our greatest desire is probably not politics, we have to give our aspirations a chance.
Making the effort to cast our ballot to determine our leadership is our right, a privilege and our responsibility as citizens of this great country. The pursuit of our own happiness is no place for an absentee ballot.