In the previously published, “I Spy Setauket, Long Island,” I share the true story of General George Washington’s Spy Ring, comprised of a group of childhood friends who became a network of spies during the American Revolutionary War. Setauket, New York is where Abe, Anna, Ben and Caleb lived, it is also the location of their espionage communication hub. Equally important, Abe and Anna are buried in their hometown, allowing my husband and I the opportunity to pay our respects to them while on the north shore of Long Island several years ago. Caleb Brewster, a whaleboat captain who carried messages across Long Island Sound between the spies, is buried at Old Burying Ground in Fairfield, Connecticut, which we also visited on a separate trip (photo below). This cemetery lives up to its name. Many of the stones are extremely discolored due to age. No disrespect to those buried beneath them, but I was glad that Caleb’s was in good condition, although its lettering was very worn. Located close to Fairfield’s main drag, I could hear the vehicles, causing me to consider what this man who spent so much time on the road and water would think of modern transportation. I prayed for the man and thanked the patriot.
There were two loose ends remaining in our quest to experience all the sights surrounding these brave young men and woman, one being the grave of Major Benjamin Tallmadge. Ben was Washington’s director of military intelligence; it was he who organized the Ring, asking his friends to provide information to General Washington on the British Army’s operations at their headquarters in New York City. After the war, Ben settled in Litchfield, Connecticut where he was appointed postmaster. He also became a member of the US House of Representatives. He is buried in East Cemetery, along with his wife Mary, whose father, William Floyd, was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. The cemetery is beautiful, spread out, covered in lush green grass, surrounded by verdant trees in their mid-June richness. Mister Rain was able to see the large monument with “TALLMADGE” inscribed into its side from the cemetery’s interior road. We parked, walking up a gradually inclined hill, passing grave markers that showed their age but also their resiliency.
And then I was there, close enough to touch, and I did. I prayed for the man and thanked the patriot. I thought about the sketches I have seen of Ben, both as a younger man as well as later in life. It was difficult to believe I was finally here. I was so glad that I was. I wondered what he would make of my shirt, he and his team of spies took the Ring and their involvement to the very graves I had visited. They never told a soul. When you are a history geek like me, wearing a shirt like this is equivalent to sporting a concert t-shirt at your favorite rock star’s show.
Ben’s home in Litchfield still stands, it remains a private residence. Did I want to knock on the door? I really did. Mister Rain sped up as we went by. He knows me too well.
I have read so much about the members of this Ring, as well as watched AMC’s “TURN: Washington’s Spies” multiple times. I have walked in their footsteps, not only in Setauket, but in Ben’s case at the site of General Washington’s farewell to his officers in New York City. You can read about my trip there in “Fraunces Tavern.” As I write this, I consider the choice to use the first names of these Patriots as opposed to their last. They are due an enormous amount of respect. But I feel as if I know them. They appear to be people I would have gladly served with in the fight for freedom. I did not grow up in Setauket in the 1700s but Ben, Abe, Anna and Caleb seem like friends . . . who just so happen to be rock stars.
As for that last noose end, stay tuned.
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter #ushistory #turnwashingtonsspies #setauketnewyork #culperring #trispytours #frauncestavern #litchfieldconnecticut #benjamintallmadge #ispyben