You often hear celebrities preach that if you love what you do, the rest will fall into place. The success, maybe even a nice amount of money. All you have to do is work hard and love what you do. Even the “Life Is Good” t-shirts I love have a tag on them which reads “Do what you like, like what you do”.
What if you do do what you love, you work hard at it and yet you still find yourself, once again, out of work, looking for your next opportunity? As much as you try to stay positive, you can’t help but question: “What the Hell just happened?”.
I need to move forward into the next step in my career but I find myself marching in place because I just can’t believe I’m back here again. Job searching. Ugh! Definitely not something I love, but maybe that’s the problem. Since this is once again my full time job, I guess I need to embrace it. Own it. And the hardest one of all, accept it.
As I’ve gotten older it seems to me that life is more and more about doing things we don’t want to do. I wonder why that is? Most times we just do these things, but then one comes along that just stops us in our tracks. There’s no way around them, we’ve got to go through them.
I may not know how I got here, but I know what I have to do to move on from here. Staying in this place is not an option. I love what I do too much.