An email I just sent to my mother-in-law:
Hello Mother-In-Law Dear:
I received your voice mail and will return your call tonight. Right now, however, I am in Decorating Hell. Are you familiar with Decorating Hell? I think you are. It’s not to be confused with Baking Hell, which is a whole nother kind of Hell. So you see, it’s true. Hell comes in all different forms. There is Marriage Hell, which I’ve only heard about, of course, plus I’m just sticking to the Holiday Hells for the moment.
I’ll give you a call later. I am headed up to the attic for the 6th time and it’s not over yet. This is Attic Hell, or Stairs Hell, a subset of Decorating Hell.
Love, in Hell,
Your Daughter-in-Law
P.S. I am copying your son, my husband, so he sees what I do all day and the Hell I go through to make a nice holiday for him.