I can’t drink water during the night. To me that’s like drinking a glass of yuck-mouth. So I take a glass of iced tea with me when I head up to bed every night.
At the age of 50, I got my first sippy cup. I don’t even think they had them when I was a kid. You know, when I walked five miles, each way, to school, barefoot, in the snow, uphill, both ways. If you had a similar experience then you will also understand the title of this post. If not, click here. Love you, Sid and Marty!
After repeated middle-of-the-night-knocking-over-of-my-glass-on-the-nightstand incidents, the most recent was the tipping point. (I could not resist!) The colored liquid went all over the carpet and into my nightstand drawer. After the running for towels while half asleep, my normally laid-back husband said, “That’s it. You’re done. You’re getting a sippy cup”.
I can’t even blame the spills on my vision loss. They happen in the black of night and truth be told, these spills also occurred when I was fully sighted.
And here it is. Very grown up looking but the purpose is the same. Save the carpet. The added adult benefit? Save the marriage.