Piper had his annual checkup with his veterinarian last week. He got an A+ and although his mom and dad didn’t have any concerns, the news of his excellent health was a relief.
You may wonder what a yearly examination of a bird involves. First, while Piper is still in his travel carrier, the doctor will give him a good look. He’ll check his feathers his nostrils, his beak, how he sits on the perch. For the glamorous part of his profession, he’ll give the droppings in the bottom of the carrier the once-over. Or is that a number two-over?
Next, reaching into the carrier, the vet will remove Piper in a towel, wrapping him up so only his face shows. There is usually a dramatic protest from the little green guy, not from discomfort but from what I’m sure is a sense of indignity. Oh, how I have wanted to carry on in the same manner when having my own female-specific screenings!
The doctor will turn Piper on his back, still in the towel, holding him in one hand while inspecting his feet, feeling his abdomen with the other, pulling back sections of the towel as needed. He is able to get a sense of Piper’s muscle mass while he’s touching him. He’ll look in his mouth with a small penlight. Then, showing great dexterity, with his free hand the vet will put on his stethoscope and listen to Piper’s heart. His heart rate is approximately 200 beats per minute. Finally, the doctor will place Piper on the scale. He weighs 106 grams, about the same as one stick of butter, two medium sized carrots, 3/4 cup of flour, one cup of shredded parmesan cheese or two 2 Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts.
All these individual parts of the appointment are equal in importance but the most critical piece of the entire event is when you pick up your phone and schedule the visit. Please be sure to take your feathered and furried family members for annual physicals. Not doing so can undo all the care you give and spoiling you do every other day of the year.
Make the call. And tell them Piper sent you.
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