While test driving a potential new vehicle, the salesman, seated in the back, explained that we would be taking the approved test drive route and directed my husband accordingly. Varied enough to get a feel for how the automobile handles in different situations, we got a little hill and highway, a little back road and flat. It was a good mix but safe, with no surprises. As I settled into the passenger seat, deeply breathing in the new car smell, I wondered why life couldn’t have a protected, sanctioned course.
But as we drove the roads I’ve known all my life, I realized that if I had been limited to just one path, I would have missed out on seeing and doing so much, professionally as well as personally. I won’t go so far as to include my vision loss in this; I’m not quite ready to come to a complete stop at the intersection of When Life Gives You Lemons and Make Lemonade, but I can put my full horsepower behind the other twists and turns my ride has taken. Safe is for the test drive . . . and the title once you buy it.