. . . in a land far, far away, lived a Princess who was put into a high tower by a Evil Witch named Unemployment.
For three long years, the Princess was unable to continue her career in the Land of Opportunity. During her time in the tower, she wore sweatpants and a ponytail, and tried with all her might to escape Unemployment. Several times she almost freed herself, only to be captured again by Unemployment and returned to her prison.
Then, one day, the Princess was able to lower herself out of the tower by using her resumes, all taped together to create a ladder. She found a new King to work for and he asked the Princess to travel to a Land she had never been to before. The Princess traveled over 3,500 miles one night and the next day arrived at a beautiful Castle, one that looked remarkably like Windsor Castle in England.
The Princess could not believe that she was here after all this time, in a land so far from where she spent her imprisonment. She could not believe she was really looking up at Castle built over 1,000 years ago.
A Fairy Tale?
A Happily Ever After?
Time will tell.
The End?
No way.
A Grateful Princess?
You betcha.