I am home today Friends, trying to get ready for my trip next week and a seminar tomorrow. It’s so strange to be sitting here writing this blog, like I have for months, in the same physical space, but in a very different mental space. The focus of my day is no longer searching for a job, but preparing for learning a job and the material things that are required when you work.
While not working, I didn’t buy new clothes or shoes except maybe a few necessities of a casual nature. Now I am scrambling to get what I need to be ready immediately. And still trying to be cost-conscious since our money worries aren’t over yet.
The roller coaster keeps flying down the tracks. I don’t know where this blog is headed now that I’ve gotten a job, but I hope you continue to ride the coaster with me. I can almost guarantee there will be lots to talk about in this new venture, new tracks to ride.