I am on the road once again and so far everything is going OK. I think all of us on my team are focused on the fact that tomorrow night we will be back home and off the road for about 10 days.
I did a lot of work this weekend on the job search. I searched for information on contacts at the companies I’ve recently applied to and left voice mail messages for actual people, hopefully the correct people.
I did receive an email this morning from a company I had applied to about 2 months ago. It said:
Further to your interview* for the Meeting Executive position, we are sorry to inform you that on this occasion you have not been successful.
We hope you are not too disappointed with this news.
Wow. Don’t hold back. Give it to me straight. I can take it.
I’ve not been successful. That about says it all in regard to this never-ending job search. As for me being disappointed, well, I’m thinking of changing my name to “Sister Disappointed Rain”.
This is my cloudy Monday morning Friends. This is my life. Heavy sigh laden with disappointment.
* I never had an interview with them.