I am going to be a Road Warrior over the next month for my job. I’ll be travelling a lot throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey and other spots in the area. It’s quite a change from the months I spent in my house, in my home office, scrolling through employment and company web sites.
However, the common thread is how busy I was then and am now. The job search and my new job were/are both all-consuming with little time for anything else. I used to wake up and before I’d even opened my eyes feel panic about finding a new job. This weekend I woke up thinking about my new job and not in a good way. It wasn’t panic but it wasn’t a warm, fuzzy feeling either.
I guess at some point you reach an age where there are no more stress-free days. No more light heart, clear mind. Or maybe when the stars align, when you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing, you can wake up and your first thought will be about coffee or Raul Ibanez.
I’m just saying . . .
So cup of Joe and Raul, hope to see you soon. BEFORE I open my eyes.