As I licked the last envelope for a mailing to promote Sister Rain, I picked up the pile of 50, pushing together both sides and the top with my hands, the bottom cradled securely by the desk. Something in the back of the stack brushed my thumb so I investigated. The envelope had not sealed. I randomly checked a few others, all were not closed. What was going on?
Withdrawing an envelope from its equally uncooperative neighbors, I ran my finger along the area I had just run my tongue across. Something was bent up at the edge. I tugged at it, an entire strip of paper came off. The envelopes, you see, were peel and stick. I did not.
Blind girls: We take a licking but we keeping on ticking.
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter #blindnessisaspectrum#opticneuropathy #visuallyimpaired #blind #timexhasnothingonme