Hello Friends. I promised to do better and post consistently so here I am. Tired, sweaty (yes the temp is still hovering around my goal weight) and discouraged. A job lead that looked good dried up this morning. I then spent 9 hours at an event, followed by an hour drive home, followed by more work on my laptop at my coffee table. I will be up at 6 a.m. tomorrow for pretty much the same day.
I was thinking about you all on the drive home and worrying that I might be whining too much. I apologize if that’s how I’m coming off; it’s certainly not my intent. I just can’t help but believe that other people continue to be in my shoes; looking for a job they can do well and really get behind. And what I’ve found out in the last month is that one out of two doesn’t cut it, no matter what the current economic situation.
So I will continue to keep blogging about my current job, my search for a new one and the quest for two out of two. I will try not to whine, but I can’t promise I won’t continue to suffer from “TSD” (tired, sweaty and discouraged), a condition brought on by Summer 2010 in Pennsylvania and the continuing search for a two-for-two job.