Remember yesterday I said I applied for a job that I found online and that after sending my resume and cover letter in via an online application, I would wait and wait and wait (in the words of Buzz Lightyear) to “Infinity and Beyond”? Turns out I was wrong.
Last night I got an email from the company at 8:46 p.m. saying, basically, thanks but no thanks. After months and months of not hearing back from companies when I apply for a job with them, I was stunned. Once my shock wore off, I was mad because I had just sent my information in and I felt the quick turnaround time meant they didn’t even look at my extraordinary (in my humble opinion) background and experience.
Then I realized that I’ve been complaining that I never hear back from companies and now here was a reply in a few short hours.
I guess, really, potential employers are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Unless, of course, they offer me the job. Then they can go straight to Heaven! Do not pass go, do not collect $200.