For those of you new to this site, let me review this blind girl’s archenemies to date.
If you want to read about the above nemeses, click on their names above, you’ll be taken to their posts. Before you go, allow me to introduce you to the newest addition to my party of foes:
White soap, to be exact. I am a bath person, I take one every evening. I despise a shower. I’ve been soaking nightly in a white tub since I moved out of my parents’ house, with its pink bathroom accessories, in 1988. I love to read in the tub or watch a show on my iPad, sometimes there are bubbles involved. There is always soap. Suddenly, in 2023, this became a problem. I am now in the habit of dropping it; then, because both the bar and the tub are white, I cannot locate it. The search and rescue mission takes a long, frustrating time. Bad words are said. Giving up is considered. Using my husband’s soap on a higher shelf is an option occasionally chosen. Usually, though, my stubbornness will only allow one outcome: I will find the damn soap!
After all sorts of Twister moves, the bar grazes my leg, the next thing I know, it’s bumping against my tailbone. I generate more waves, the soap is now on my side. I make a grab for it, but I am denied. I try to see it, WHERE THE HELL IS IT?, to no avail. The bar hits my toe, I quickly make my move, contact occurs. I pinch the edge of it, pushing my claws into its soft surface, caused by its lengthy swim. “I’ve got you, you little soap-and-soap!”
Now I’m exhausted.
So much for a relaxing tub.
I could, of course, use body wash instead; I even jokingly told my husband it’s time for soap on a rope (which they still sell!!!). Colored soap is a thought but I love the kind we use. I’m not too keen about compromising my bath time experience because of my sight. Life can be a slippery soap. Sometimes you’ve got to take a stand . . . or, in this case, a seat, dig your fingernails in and hold on.
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter #blindnessisaspectrum #opticneuropathy #visuallyimpaired #blind #donedirtybysoap