As a result of my vision loss, I am unable to drive. I live in the suburbs, so public transportation is not an option. My husband isn’t always able to leave work to drive me, so I have to ask my friends. They all continually offer to be my chaufferettes, and yet I absolutely hate to ask. The fiercely independent woman in me finds it extremely difficult.
Today I needed a ride to a local appointment. When my friend picked me up, I told her how I feel about asking for rides. She said to me in response, “You would do the same for me. We all drive without thinking about it and losing that ability would be devastating. You would do the same for me.”
She is right, of course. I would be terribly upset if she needed something and didn’t ask. Or asked but hated to.
They say you find out who your true friends are when something major happens. What I’m realizing is that you also find out what kind of friend you are.
Be a friend. Ask for what you need. Neither of you will be sorry that you did.