A dear friend and I go to breakfast every other week before she goes to work. We live close by to each other and a diner, so she picks me up at 7 a.m. and I am back home at 8 o’clock. We get to enjoy the most important meal of the day with an important person in our life.
I went out front to wait for her around five of 7, only to realize how cold it was. I paced back and forth on the sidewalk, then actually thought about going back inside my house until I saw her pull up. I quick checked the time on my phone and a rush of disbelief almost knocked me over. It was 5:58 a.m. I was an hour early.
I thought I had gotten up at 6 a.m. before my alarm went off. Even in my panic (why I was panicked being early instead of late is beyond me) I realized the sun had come up since I had gotten out of bed and it could not be 6 a.m. I looked at my phone again.
7 a.m.
I had read my phone wrong when I checked it the first time.
It could have been the cold. It could have been my vision. It could have been my weakened condition before coffee.
I looked up from my phone and saw my friend pulling up. It could have been 5:58 but it wasn’t. It was perfect timing.