There are many physical things that we do all day long that are memory-based. One that happens all the time to me is that when I am handed a menu in a restaurant, I accept it, usually opening it as if I can still see it, which I can’t. I don’t know if this falls under the category of muscle memory or if it’s simply a habit, a social and communal act.
There have been many a time when the menu I am holding is upside down. In those instances, the friends and family I am with never even notice. It is a natural occurrence to all of us, despite the full knowledge that today’s specials do not include restored eyesight. It is almost a phenomenon of sorts but it is also the thing I like most about being with the people I am closest to. To them I am just Sister Rain. Other than the fact that they will offer to read me anything on the menu or find me a pink packet of Sweet’N Low for my coffee, there is no difference between fully-sighted and not. I am simply their wife, their friend . . . holding a menu upside down.
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter #blindnessisaspectrum #opticneuropathy #visuallyimpaired #blind #menumemory