A mere few weeks after Women’s Marches took place throughout our country and around the world, criticism over Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl stomach is unbelievable. Larger issues concerning the rights of females abound but I have to say that scrutiny over a talented and powerful performer wanting to give us all a short reprieve from life’s current challenges and unknowns is disgusting and very, very sad.
Why this in particular has upset me I cannot say. Maybe it’s the fact that for the few hours during the big game everyone I know was taking a break from real life. They may have been in it for the football, the halftime show or the food. After the stress of the holidays and the country’s divide over our new administration, here was a day to be enjoyed by us all. And then that brief detente of sorts begins to unravel with some cowards’ keystrokes.
Why couldn’t the hits have stayed where they belong just a little longer: on the field.