I’m not going to lie to you — today has been crap.
Here in Pennsylvania, it has been raining hard (we call it “pouring”) and windy and dark and dreary.
I live in a house that is 70+ years old. It is a brick house, much like the song, so it’s made pretty well. However, we’ve had some issues with roof leaks over the last year or so, and as soon as my husband fixes one, another one begins. We don’t need an entire new roof but there are some areas that could use some refreshing, shall we say, but we are really trying to cut back until I get a new job.
Today a new leak appeared in our mudroom. My husband should be able to patch the area once we dry out. Until then, we are using buckets and towels to keep things as under control as is possible.
What does any of this have to do with my job search you might be asking? Most everything in my life these days is connected to my job search. We don’t really want to have a professional come in and do his thing to our roof until I am once again employed. I am also home during the day so I see all this stuff as it’s happening. “Out of sight, out of mind” is for darn sure.
The panic and sadness and stress all wash over me (no pun intended I promise) and remind me — as if I need a reminder — that me having a job would change so many things.
I did my job search this morning and again there are no new leads. Today the feeling of desperation is creeping in, but I am holding it off as best as I can. There is a level of guilt that comes into play when I begin to host a pity party (a party of one I might add) in that I know the world is struggling and hurting — my God look at Haiti — but it’s hard not to worry about your own little corner of the universe when water is coming out of your ceiling fan.
I just looked out the window and now the sun is out. Amazing.
Gotta go check my buckets.