We have a busy week and so I have planned quick meals for dinner. I now share with you the conversation that took place this morning as I ate my breakfast and my husband prepared to leave for work:
Me: Stouffer’s lasagna okay for dinner tonight?
Him: Sure.
Me: (jokingly) Great. One more thing to do today.
Him: All you have to do is open the box and put it in the oven.
Me: Isn’t that how you think the lasagna I make from scratch is made?
We both started laughing and although I couldn’t see his face across the room, we exchanged a look because as with all funny things, there is truth. He is very appreciative of all that I do but after two decades of marriage and the daily grind, it is inevitable that we sometimes take each other for granted. But what holds us together more than anything is humor. We can laugh with and at each other and ourselves.
The entree du jour is from the grocery store’s frozen food section and came in a box but the laughter is warm and homemade.