You probably know that Starbucks originated in Seattle, but you may not be aware that that whole area is the land of coffee. They take their hot beverages made from beans from a tree very seriously, but are also playful with it. My kind of people.
I previously wrote about Lighthouse Espresso and a recent trip exposed me to many other fun companies.
For instance, Gravity Coffee whose hashtag is #staygrounded. Others include Latte On Your Way and Cool Beans Espresso.
Chug-A-Tug Espresso in Port Orchard is genuis given the city’s location right on the water.
The piece de resistance, however, was a business called LadyBug Bikini Espreso. One morning on our way to explore a few towns over from where we were staying, my husband abruptly pulled into a parking lot. As I described in the Lighthouse Espresso story, these coffee shops are mostly situated in a parking lot of a shopping center. Mister Rain pulled up to LadyBug without a word, but the windows on both sides were covered with black. “I guess they’re closed,” he said. Just as he was about to pull away from the small red and black-dotted structure, the window opened. “Do you sell t-shirts?,” my husband asked. “No,” came the reply. I couldn’t see the person behind the response, but Mister Rain thanked her and drove away.
“Well, that was hard to keep looking her in the eye,” my husband mumbled.
“What do you mean?,” I asked.
“She was wearing a bright pink bikini top,” he explained.
A few months later while out to dinner with friends Mister Rain recounted the story. “She had a really large chest, too,” he added, something he had not told me previously.
I guess we know why they don’t sell t-shirts.
For other published Roadside Attractions, click below:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindtraveler #travel #portorchard #lighthouseespresso #gravitycoffee #latteonyourway #coolbeansespresso #chugatugespresso #ladybugbikiniespresso #suchafinesighttoseepart5