A few months ago, I published the story, “Such A Fine Sight To See,” about Roadside Attractions. On a recent trip to Maine, I was able to direct my long-suffering husband to new treasures along the highways and byways of this great country. I give you the latest fine sights:
This Wayward London Phone Booth, shown above, has been located on a rural road in Edgecomb for over 20 years.
In Boothbay Harbor, 25′ Captain Brown was built by the same artist of the original Big Amos Amish man in my home state of Pennsylvania.
Also in Boothbay Harbor, the Tugboat Restaurant is part of the Tugboat Inn’s five buildings. In the early 70’s, the owners at that time purchased the former working tugboat, “Maine.” Be sure to visit the original wheelhouse.
Boothbay Harbor is also home to an 8′ steel pup, “The Dog.”
The Wedding Cake House can be found in Kennebunk. The structure is said to resemble a nuptial’s icinged staple. It was built in 1926 by a prominent ship builder and businessman as a wedding present for his son and his new wife. The house was put up for sale in March. For a cool $2,650,000 you can have your cake and live in it too!
Rest assured, friends, I will continue running down the road trying to loosen our loads.
For other published Roadside Attractions, click below:
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindtraveler #travel #waywardlondonphonebooth #captainbrown #tugboatrestaurant #thedog #weddingcakehouse #suchafinesighttoseepartii