I find it interesting that even though I don’t currently have a job and am not, per se, “Working for the Weekend”, Fridays still have a different feel to them. The worries and stress of searching for a new job dim slightly and the idea that next week might be the week I get a job is both a relief and a hopeful thought.
Still, I just did my “light” job search which involves about 25 online sites. My “heavy” online job search is double that and can take a few hours. They say that only 25% of jobs are acquired through an online source, but it is something I can do every day that makes me feel like I am working towards my goal and moving forward. Let’s face it, after some time the networking and the people that you know run out.
Along these lines, do you ever feel like you don’t know any of the “right” people? My friends and family are very important to me and I have lots of former co-workers, but none of them seem to have led me, so far, to my next opportunity. When I hear about networking, I wrack my brain to figure out what, or who, I might be missing and always come up with nothing new.
I am showing my age when I say I remember when looking for a job involved a newspaper and a typewriter. Now we’ve got the world at our fingertips. We can send relief to Haiti, we can find our long-lost brother, we can meet our spouse, we can find out how to remove scratches from our furniture all with a few keystrokes. Surely I can find a job this way.
But just in case, if you know any of those “right” people, would you send them my way?