I write my blog posts in the morning. I find that if I let it go until the afternoon due to my schedule or a struggle with an idea, or lack thereof, it throws me and my day off-kilter. It causes me to feel unsettled, as if I’ve left the stove on and am not home to turn it off.
I am under no obligation to write this blog, except to myself. As I have said before, whether what I create here is any good is not for me to say. But I do know I am compelled to share the journey I am on. Waking up without my sight set me on a path I am just now, over four years later, finding my stride on, each step, both figuratively and literally, scary, unknown and necessary. And wherever I am headed, now starting to come into focus in my fully functioning mind’s eye, I believe it starts with this blog. I want to tell my story to help others, but the truth is writing this blog has played a big part in bringing me back to life. Writing everyday links me with the world and also myself and when that connection is incomplete, it is difficult to see the rest of my day clearly and unencumbered. Ironically, this is also a layman’s description of my optic nerves.
Whatever is your you to you, I hope it comes easily and early in the morning. Because the very best way to start your day is feeling like yourself.