I didn’t write yesterday because I was in a very bad place with the current job. I have decided, with my husband’s blessing, to try and find a job quickly that I can do in the interim until I find my “dream job” so that I can leave the terrible job I am in right now.
The problem is that I am so busy with the current job and back on the road tomorrow night and there is very little time to spend on the job search. But I have to find the time, make the time, because I can’t go on like this.
I am crying all the time and all I can think about is work. When you’re on the road as much as I am, it’s so easy to lose sight of what is real and what is not and then everything — your beliefs, your focus and your mental stability — is topsy turvy.
I knew this job was a mistake on Day 1. What I didn’t know was how toxic and horrible it would be. I have never experienced such sadness over a job in my life.
Life is good but this job is very, very bad.