The last two mornings I have been woken up by my bird (to be clear – not my husband’s bird) by bell ringing coming through the baby monitor.
Yes, I said baby monitor. Our last bird was prone to night frights and . . .
Crazy. Bird. People. Guilty as charged.
It was a beautiful sound. Light thinking, which made me have to get up and tinkle.
I digress.
He doesn’t need to go out for his morning tinkle (I can’t seem to stop), but he’s awake, ready for play and love. Morning person or not, that will get you out of bed with a smile on your face and warmth in your heart. Even if the thermometer says 32 degrees Fahrenheit for the first time this fall/winter season as it did today.
Unconditional love. It’ll get you every time. Throw in a cup of coffee and that’s what I call a perfect morning.