Last night, I awoke around 3 a.m. and had to use the restroom. Mission accomplished, I was almost back to our closed bedroom door when it was opened. My husband jumped and let out an ohmygod! simultaneously. I was not startled, but completely amused. I asked, “Didn’t you notice I wasn’t in bed?” to which he replied, “No”, still holding his heart.
He has a heart condition and has an implanted defibrillator as a safety measure. I had a few seconds of concern for him, followed by amusement but disbelief was the prevailing emotion: how do you not know your spouse isn’t in the bed?!?!?!
He continued to the bathroom and I went back to bed. There As I settled back under the covers, I thought of Oscar Pistorius, the South African sprint runner who was convicted of killing his girlfriend in the middle of the night when he heard someone in the bathroom and claimed to believe it was an intruder so he got his gun and started shooting through the bathroom door. His story and defense was holier than the door after he put bullets into. How could he not realize his girlfriend was not in the bed?
Um . . . ut oh.