As the people in our lives pass away or we part ways, portions of our past go with them. Everyone in my family is gone, I am not in contact with anyone from my childhood. The person in my current life whom I have known the longest is my hair stylist who I have been going to since I was 16.
I have heard it said that we are here on this earth to bear witness to the lives of the people we are closest to, from the daily mundane to the milestone events. What happens to our shared experiences when there is no one to relive them with? I never thought about this until my mom died. By the time I drove the ten minutes home after holding her hand when she took her last breath, I had fifty recollections in my mind to reminisce about with her. Since then we have also lost my husband’s parents as well. We mourn them, we grieve for who we were together, and we miss ourselves. They gave us life, then they took pieces of us with them when they left.
Not everyone is a history buff but it is a sobering realization that some of our personal history is lost when someone who was there to watch it unfold leaves our life. I loved “The Lion King“, I saw the first animated film in 1994, but I am NOT a fan of the Circle of Life. I understand why we cannot all live forever but <insert four-letter word here>. As I write this I realize that Mister Rain and I took my mother-in-law to see “The Lion King” all those years ago, it was Mother’s Day and after brunch we went to the movies. She sat between us and she and I cried during several scenes.
And there it is. A memory that was lost with her and is now found. Share your old memories with new people. What better way to make some history?
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter #lostory