My friend has a senior cat named Ruffy with extreme vertigo. I knew he had the condition, but the first time I saw him I was upset. I have a real soft spot for any feathered or furry soul, it was sad to see him having to walk with his head at a very odd angle as he bumped into things while moving across the room to greet me.
Thinking about him for days after, my focus was on how he appeared. Me, of all people, should know that what’s inside Ruffy is far greater than his physical circumstances. I realized that Ruffy and I are the same. We both have profound anatomical challenges, yet we figure it out, we adapt, we live the best lives that we can. I don’t know where the inner fortitude comes from, but I am sure, even though we are different species, it originates from the same place in both of us. If he knew what pity is, Ruffy wouldn’t want it. Neither do I. We may look like we’re suffering when we wend our way from here to there. Trust us, it’s not too pretty from the inside either, but we are simply doing what we need to do with what we have. And as difficult as that is to watch, in truth, it is beautiful.
Ruffy curled up next to me, his body warm against my leg. I petted him, he closed his eyes and began to purr. Ruffy is happy, content, safe, loved and doing his thing. So am I. How can you pity that?
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter #blindnessisaspectrum #opticneuropathy #visuallyimpaired #blind #ruffy