It has become less important, but I always imagined that I would visit all 50 states before I die. You would think as the clock continues to tick this desire would become stronger, but for me, it has diminished. It would still be a great accomplishment but as I continue to return to my favorite places instead of somewhere different, the serious traveler in me has to have this discussion with myself. Should I continue going to an oldie but a goodie or should I explore a new destination?
Last year my husband and I both added Maine to our been there list. Driving home from that trip, I decided to finally make a list in my phone of both our done thats versus always having to recreate it every time the subject comes up. After doing so, I began looking for a map to hang in our house to show our progress towards 50. I purchased a wood design from Etsy seller CJDCustomCreations. As Mister Rain stuck red and blue pins representing each of us into the states he and I had been to, we shared memories of the locations.
The map now hangs on our dining room wall, the first thing someone coming into our home will notice after they leave the entryway. Unfortunately I am unable to see the pins but I can make out the outline of the lower 48 with Alaska and Hawaii below them. Given the way I feel abut this nation, it is somewhat poetic that I cannot see the lines separating the states, all I see is one country.
The entire map may not ever be completely populated by pins but my heart is full of gratitude for the 36 states that are and the possibility of the remaining 14.
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindtraveler #travel #cjdcustomcreations #beentheregratefulforthat